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njon 22-10-2010 03:51 PM

About the interior texturing tut
Hey SM staff
Does the interior texturing tut come with the room model & any source images?

I am only interested in the shading & lighting aspect.


Nilla 22-10-2010 04:37 PM

Hi njon,

The texturing tutorial comes with everything you need so all the scene files, textures and refs used can be found in part one. The complete untextured scene where the modeling tutorial finishes off is labeled as video_8.

urutum 03-11-2010 08:07 PM

audio an video out of sync??
I bought this tutorial and haven't been able to fully get the most of it since the audio and video are out of sync once it starts to apply the lighting etc. Has this been updated or noticed?? It sucks, I really was looking forward to this tutorial specifically to the lighting and rendering part of it.

Thank you in advance


Nilla 03-11-2010 09:35 PM

I'm really sorry about that it shouldn't happen but things do go wrong sometimes when videos get encoded or uploaded to the server and it was me who double-checked that tutorial as well after it went up on the site. And I agree that watching video that's out of sync with the audio is pretty much impossible, you feel like murdering the person you're listening to unless you mute it.
I'm going through all the video on the site at the moment to correct errors like this so I'll check the interior design right now. Could you tell me which part(s) it is though, because if you downloaded it a while back it might already have been fixed so that you can just re-download the part. I remember thet there was one part that had some error with it initially, hopefully that's the one and it's already been fixed.

Either way the good news is that we can fix it quite easily, I just have to find it so I'll start looking now. Again my apologies,

Nilla 04-11-2010 12:17 AM


I just downloaded and went through the tutorial and the video and audio is perfectly in sync for all parts so just re-download the part where the audio was off, I'm fairly sure that it was part 6. I remember speaking to you on the forum almost a year ago when this tutoral went out and if you downloaded it then the initial lighting part did have this problem, I caught it not too long after we put it out and fixed it.

Again sorry, I've sent you a pm so check your messages:)

urutum 07-11-2010 12:16 AM

Hi Nilla,

Thank you for your quick response and clarification!
I will proceed to download the tutorial again. I received your pm. I appreciate it very much. It is a great tutorial and I'm looking forward to more lighting and rendering tutorials! :)
Thank you,

Nilla 07-11-2010 11:21 AM

You're welcome:), glad you like the tut.

There will be a lot more lighting and rendering on this site as soon as the new one goes up we'll start putting some out. It's on a developement server atm for testing and some final design tweaks to be added, but another few weeks and we'll have a much better site for everyone.

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