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shadowspy 26-06-2008 02:17 PM

Rivet Gun
Hey all.

I've been working on the "Rivet Gun" from the game "Bioshock" for an hour or 2 now and this is what i've got.

I'm still a beginner/noob so don't be too hard on me :bow: ;)

Also, I have a little problem. Whenever I go to the front view (which is actually the side of the gun.), I try to use the "Create Polygon" tool, but when I click somewhere to create a new part for my gun, it says: "Warning: Select an object that allows topology modification." How can I fix this? Tnx.

Well here it is:


elephantinc 26-06-2008 04:27 PM

can you post a wireframe?

shadowspy 26-06-2008 05:16 PM

Sure! Here you go :attn:

Anyone has a solution to my problem btw?

elephantinc 26-06-2008 05:45 PM

good, nice clean quads
a bit dense in some places though

shadowspy 26-06-2008 05:52 PM


Originally posted by elephantinc
good, nice clean quads
a bit dense in some places though

Tnx. The dense places come because for the rings I made a Torus and the used Booleans >> Difference :P

arran 26-06-2008 08:45 PM

cool - bioshock was a great game.

i might avoid booleans - as they can cause a few problems when modeling and you don't really need them.

not sure what's causing your problem - does it happen in a new scene as well?

shadowspy 27-06-2008 06:39 AM


The problem does not occur in a new scene. In the rivet gun scene I can use it for example on the ground in perspective mode. But in the front view (With the image pane.) It gives the error. It's very annoying since I can't make some parts atm.

arran 27-06-2008 09:28 AM

not sure what you mean when you say you can use it on the ground. in any case, just import your gun into a new scene and then you should be fine.

shadowspy 27-06-2008 10:24 AM

Ok, thanks. Let me try that when I get home :)

shadowspy 28-06-2008 03:56 PM

Thank you! It worked. Updates soon!

EDIT: First test render. (Model is not finished yet, materials not applied correctly, a lot of texturing has to be done, etc.)

shadowspy 04-07-2008 03:31 PM

It's been a while, but i've been busy with some things for a few days, but now the time has come for an update ;):beer: :ninja:

I'm sorry for the crappy render. Still needs textures and decent materials ;)
I've added a wireframe for a better look.

arran 04-07-2008 11:30 PM

it's looking good - :) lose that sky background tho - it's not doing you any favors - and just makes it difficult to see your model.

keep at this - with some decent textures, this will look nice.

shadowspy 05-07-2008 06:47 AM

Thank you!

I do have one question though:
When I create textures for my mesh, how do I get the metal to be shiny. I don't know exactly how this is done (shaders?). Is there any tutorial for the basics of that?


arran 05-07-2008 09:08 AM

yeah - you would adjust the specularity and eccentricity values. you can also paint maps in photoshop to control your various shader attributes, but first you need to layout your uvs.

this is a good texturing tutorial:

shadowspy 05-07-2008 10:07 AM

That's a great tutorial thank you.
I do know basic UV mapping and I know how to work with bump maps, etc. But I never tried to make things shiny though :ninja:

Thanks for the help!

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