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mtmckinley 07-10-2004 09:20 PM

I do have demo reel suggestions/guidelines in the first chapter. :)

dae 08-10-2004 05:25 AM

cool, i was most likey way off anyway:)


Anhslaught 16-10-2004 08:37 AM

I think a great idea for a book is to just find one game that you worked on and describe in details on how it was made. From planning, sketching to 3d modeling blah blah....everything!!! This will be the GREATEST BOOK OF ALL TIME. Your name will be in history and an army of maya enthusiast will follow you in a jedi cloak chanting your greatness in monotone. :)

mtmckinley 04-11-2004 07:32 PM


The book's heading out to the printers! They should be all printed up and bound in a month and in stores a week after. :) Exciting!

ckyuk 04-11-2004 07:50 PM

Better start saving my pennies for a copy. :)

mtmckinley 16-06-2005 02:50 AM

Hey, guys. They're asking me if I have any ideas for another book! Yowza! :eek:

So, once again I thought I might ask you guys... what is something you'd like to see in a Maya book?

Again, my main background is game related, but I don't know if there's much in the way of any more I can really say about that in another book. Perhaps those of you who have read my first book can let me know if there was anything that you felt was missing or could be expound upon?

I should say, though, that I'm not a programmer, so I can't really write about 'how to get your model into xxx game engine'... that's just not my department. :)


BillyZ 16-06-2005 06:01 AM

Well I never got a chance to read your books so if any of my suggestions are already in it.. then I've got nothing. Lol.

Well I think many ideas for video tutorials, but thats a different story. Literature wise, I think the main issue for any person trying to get into the game industry is the actually *foot in the door. Perhaps you should make the ultimate "Demo Reel Guide".

Discuss things from the does and don'ts of adding to your reel. Maybe researching what games the companies you are applying for and base your reel towards that. I found that out the hard way, my modeled a half-naked elf and a old woman... suprisingly nor Rockstar or EA called me for an interview go figure lol. How bout discuss the next generation to gaming... with the nextgen consoles will allow for higher poly geometry and normal mapping will be key especially with the new Unreal 3 engine coming out. Well there's much more towards the demo reel side.. I could add but your the own supposed to be writing the book not me.. lol.

R-Tillery 16-06-2005 06:14 AM

Maybe a better understanding of a models topology and usage of a reference guide, not to say how to get it into Maya but how placing the geometry for character construction. What the big wigs are looking for as far as character modeling goes.

mtmckinley 16-06-2005 11:36 AM

Yeah, my first book does have a demo reel guidelines section. It also has a very large chapter on modeling that (hopefully) adequately describes what you're looking for, R-Tillery.

R-Tillery 16-06-2005 12:13 PM

O yeah,, I glanced at it in Barns and noble a while back,, I for got, hehe, guess Ill go pick it up. Maybe you can talk about the game engines you use and how you go about getting the material from Maya to the game and maybe some other inside stuff. And like Billy was saying maybe some video tut’s with chapters covering them,, and if it already had been done in the first book, maybe a more advanced version to pick up where the book left off. Sorry if I’m not making any sense, only had 2 hours sleep. :beer: :alien: :zzz:

mtmckinley 16-06-2005 12:26 PM

There are sooo many game engines out there and soo many game engines that I have not ever used, that it's not something I think I'd be qualified to write about. :)

mtmckinley 16-06-2005 03:59 PM

"The Game Artist's Guide to Animation"

Whatcha think? :)

dae 16-06-2005 05:28 PM

I like it
your first book must of done pretty well for them to want another.


petrol 16-06-2005 06:21 PM

Firstly, got the book, cracking stuff - currently working on this SM project first but am reading every night. Over and over.

Now, I'd personally prefer a 'Game Artists Guide to Maya - Advanced'.

Here's a couple of suggestions:

1) Another game industry section at the start - I liked how 'real' it was, nobody tried to fool you it was all playing games all day, just hard facts. I'd like to know more about the expectations of an average artist. Are you expected to finish a model / texture / animation set in a day? week? month? Might you be expected to also learn other skills in-house for projects? What are working conditions (studio, pay, benefits) like for the average artist? Perhaps touch a little more on what makes a demo reel special, should you make what you enjoy (and apply for studios with similar tastes), or make a generic reel to show ability in all areas, even though you know they only really make a particular type of game?

2) Using more tools in modelling- showing how to cut corners without cutting quality. Perhaps even model another character ala #1, just make it something totally different - show those new tools in action. I think a 'troubleshooting' or 'workarounds' for certain common problems would also be an excellent reference.

3) I don't know where you stand with using photoshop in a book, but if it was possible I'd love to see more about dodge & burning and other techniques, and go through the different maps and the difference it can have visually in game.

Just a few bits and peices I know, but basically I just really want to see the previous book expanded on, using a different character. Whatever you decide on though, good luck - last one was great and i'll get the next regardless.

mtmckinley 16-06-2005 06:44 PM

Thanks, guys. :) I've sent my publisher rep the idea I have and he really liked it. I'm going to be seeing about getting it outlined and who knows? It might start development as early as August.

The idea (in brief) is for the book to come with as many as 4-6 modeled and textured objects that have VERY different structures and go through the rigging and animation of each of these different scenarios in a "you're-an-animator-at-a-studio-here's-your-assignment" kind of way using different combinations of real-world game restrictions.

We'll see what happens. :)

I did pitch them a "Game Artist's Guide to Maya - Advanced" type idea a while back, but they felt it would not be different enough to warrant a new book. :(

Also, because it is a Maya-oriented book, they didn't want much in the way of PHotoshop stuff in it.

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