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twisteddragon33 23-01-2008 06:29 AM

i really like them all (and my brother really likes the transformers one), But i think in the future, the "dark" studio shot should have the fog lights on too for added definition.

Mayaniac 23-01-2008 07:04 AM

@Gster123: I think I will try the Render layers. Maybe I could composite them In after, In Photoshop! Thanks you for the Input, Oh, and (like Mirec03 asked) how do you Render in the command line?

@Mirec03: Thanks for the Input. I Think I will try the layers, and/or compositing the individual Renders In Photoshop.
Thanks again!

@twisteddragon33: Hmmm, maybe I will turn on the fog lights! Sounds cool! And thanks for the comments!

AikoWorld 23-01-2008 01:53 PM

the headlights are very cool man.

A question what are your render settings for AA?

I`v set mine to min2 max3 cuz i`v seen some AA problems in the image with lower AA settings, rendering at 640 480 taking me 20 hours to render.

So was wondering what you`ve got on AA

gster123 23-01-2008 03:06 PM

This probably has the best explanation for you

also if you want to see all the renderflags open a cmd shell and then type render -h and hit enter for a full list of options.

Also you can set up the render globals for the scene then save it, open the folder contianing it and right click and choose render to render the scene.

Mayaniac 23-01-2008 11:56 PM

@AikoWorld: I set the 'sample Mode' To 'Custom Sampling'
I then set the 'Min sample level' to 2 and the 'Max' to 3.
Then I set the 'Multi-pixel filtering', filter, to: 'Mitchel'
Then that should do it. Though having the settings so high.... adds LOADS of time to Render!

@gster123: Ah, thanks you! That sure did clear up a few things for me. Though, this method appears to be used mostly for animation, and/or rendering multiple scenes, But it should work just as well for what I need. I can simply set the start frame to [1] and the end frame to [1]

Thanks again! You've been a great help!

gster123 24-01-2008 12:15 AM

If your getting memory probs rendering then its worth looking into as it saves RAM per part of your rendering, and it will save you a lot of time if your trying to do a "single shot" render, I use it to get the layers to comp final renders.

Its not strictly for animation or multiple scenes, although if you set everyting up right you will have multiple scenes for different parts of the render for which it will work perfectly!

AikoWorld 24-01-2008 12:27 AM

thanks Mayaniac and gster :)

Will test it out!

jsprogg 24-01-2008 12:39 AM


I`v set mine to min2 max3 cuz i`v seen some AA problems in the image with lower AA settings, rendering at 640 480 taking me 20 hours to render.
I find this incredible , i just did a 1024x800 render of my car using AA of 2 and 3 and the time was 5 minutes 6 seconds.
What render settings do you have to make the time so rediculously high?

AikoWorld 24-01-2008 12:45 AM

rez 640*480*
Highest preset settings
aa -2 +3
Final Gather
environment HDRI Lighting
No raytrace but shadowmaps
But i did have real chrome

so if somebody knows what did it :)

Btw switching the AA back to -1 +2 did the rendering of 1680*1050* in 40min

So for me it was the aa

jsprogg 24-01-2008 12:51 AM

My guess is that it's the final gather that is killing your render time.
you could render an occlusion pass and comp it instead of FG.

AikoWorld 24-01-2008 12:54 AM

k thx man, will try that :)

lealar 24-01-2008 09:32 AM

Hi Mayaniac, i'm so exciting about your project. that's wonderful and wooo


mcarr1973 13-04-2008 11:42 AM

DUDE You are GOOD!

Do you mind if I ask how you create a WIP?

I dont even know what WIP stands for? but I know its a way to post your work. I thought of enetering one of these contests not that im anywhere as good as you.

I dont even know how to take a screen shot picture in maya like you did, Can you help?


AnthonyCg 13-04-2008 01:29 PM

@mcarr1973-er, how about reading the stickies posted on every forum?

@mayaniac- The car looks great mate.

starjsjswars 13-04-2008 03:21 PM

hey whats up mayanic, nice model you got there, cool feeling render !


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