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drknow 19-05-2003 01:10 AM

Simple Room
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, Here is the first 30 minutes worth of work. The baseboards are too round, there is no furniture, and the lighting is a peice of crap(5 point lights just below the lightbulb cover). I didn't feel like making a ceiling fan, but it might be coming. The picture on the B-board looks too dark, but that is cause I took a picture with a 2 megapixel digital camera(I dont have a scanner). BTW credits to Ben Blankenship (age 8)(am I using enough parenthesis??) for the drawing. The bulletin board face texture was made with my digital camera also. The bump map on the face of the b-board is just a grey-scaled version of the texture file with a few tweaks. The tack is a little messed up. I made it in like 30 seconds with no tweaks. The wood texture on the border of the bulletin board is messed up(Ill fix it later). I dont like the color of the baseboards and the walls, but it reflects the light quite nicely. Any suggestions and/or cunstructive criticism is welcomed. Don't be too harsh, as this is the only project I have made that doesn't look like a peice of crap(just look at my cartoon self in this months challenge, hehe). If you read this, you're either really bored or have a lot of time on your hands. Anywayz, here is the fist render.

drknow 19-05-2003 01:12 AM

Another one
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Sorry for peeps with 56k(like me!!), but I like to post a lot of images. Heres a close of the bump. They need fixin'.

drknow 19-05-2003 01:13 AM

'Nother one
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Heres a close of the pic. Bens a good artist for his age(eight). Well, not really.

drknow 19-05-2003 01:16 AM

Whew, my 56k is gettin tired
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Close up of the tack pulled out. I did't feel like makin it pointed(im that lazy). I guess its one of those safety tacks.

drknow 19-05-2003 01:20 AM

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Heres the baseboards. They look rounded, but they arent. It must be the blinn. What do ya think???

drknow 19-05-2003 11:37 AM

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Oops, I forgot the Light

drknow 19-05-2003 11:38 AM

Any thoughts??????

drknow 19-05-2003 12:03 PM

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Here is a quickly made lamp. It is out of porportion, but.....Any thoughts on the texture????

mumbojumbo_13 19-05-2003 12:14 PM

nice start - is the antialiasing on production quality it just seams weird

dave_baer 19-05-2003 02:38 PM

OK. Good start. Get all your models done then go for textures, then lighting. Always texture before you light because the light will be totally different if you light a flat shaded model before applying textures to it.

Cork Board: Even in real life, you're not going to notice a bump on the cork board from a distance. Just look how close u had to get to the board to take a snapshot of the bump. Dont kill yourself over it.

Wall Trim (or whatever u call it): The white trim at the base of the walls. I've never, in my life, seen those so round like that. If that's a personal preference, then dont worry about it. Otherwise, try flattening them out a bit. Just scale them in on either the X or Z axis to flatten them and kill the specular on them a bit as well.

Light Models: They look good but need the tessalation brought up on them to get rid of the jagged edges. Round them out a bit more. Either up the spans on them in the channel box or rebuild the surfaces to make more spans.

Keep going on it. Looking forward to the final image.


drknow 19-05-2003 03:23 PM

mumbo: Yes. Ill change the settings

dave: Thanks, I need all the help I can get. I think ill take out the bumps, it will just slow down rendering anywayz.

drknow 20-05-2003 11:44 AM

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Here is a simple bunkbed in its earlier stages. Im not very good with proportions. Any help on scaling???

drknow 20-05-2003 11:46 AM

Scaled Lamp
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Ok. I am through with the lamp(as far as modeling goes). Heres a pic.

drknow 20-05-2003 12:00 PM

After I finish the bed. I am thinking of either a dresser or a desk. Hmmmmmmm......So many choices. So little talent. hehe.

drknow 20-05-2003 12:02 PM

I feel like I am talking to myself here, BTW.

drknow 20-05-2003 12:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
How can I make my baseboards look, well, not so rounded. They arent round. They just look it. I am using lambert. Is there a better texture???

drknow 20-05-2003 09:32 PM

hmmmmmmmm..........................No replies. Where did everybody go.

I-Iybrid 20-05-2003 10:19 PM

Just add a bevel to the edges, that way its flat, yet rounded ;)

drknow 20-05-2003 10:43 PM

alright. I might be able to get around to that. Im kinda busy right now though.

kornkidpr 25-05-2003 11:32 AM

Dont give up on this one too dude LOL

drknow 26-05-2003 05:27 AM

ill try my best to finish this one. sorry for the lack of updates, but I have been out of town.

drknow 31-05-2003 05:55 AM

ok, i just got my computer working again, and I think I am going to finish the bed.....maybe.

drknow 31-05-2003 06:04 AM

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ok, i quickly did the bed. It didnt take very long at all, but I think I managed to keep everything at least half-way right.

drknow 31-05-2003 06:06 AM

ahhh, that damn jpeg compression is killing my renders. Oh well.

BabyDuck 31-05-2003 10:21 AM

you might want to consider breaking the railing open at the ladder - a bit hard to get in without climbing over.

and the render looks fine, even with jpeg from maya. just keep in mind that it is still wip, and not a final render ;)

drknow 31-05-2003 03:16 PM

Yes. Thanks for that idea. I will try breaking the railing at the ladder, but I was making it based on my little brother's bed, on which the railing is not broken open. Yes, it is very hard to get out of.

drknow 31-05-2003 03:30 PM

hmmmmmm.........It is a little harder than I thought to break that railing. I tried, but it was a flop. Maybe later I will take my time and get it done, but for now I think ill leave it

ereitz 10-06-2003 06:35 AM

nice lighting

are the railings NURBS? You can use the trim tool to get rid of the area you don't want, then put a cap of some sort over the ends with Surfaces>Planar or intersect a plane perpendicular to the rail and trim away the parts that you don't need.

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