Thread: Bathroom
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# 34 03-05-2004 , 11:41 PM
vedic kings's Avatar
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: florence OR, USA
Posts: 958

Thanks man!!

The truck is all done in polygons (box modeling). The kitchen is my first complete scene, as I have only been doing 3d for just over a year, before that I was doing comic book art etc, heres a link to some of my 2d art my site

I didn't get that much work with my 2d art, so I thought maybe if I get intio 3d I would get some more work (jobs), up entail 3 months ago I just study maya as much as possible, and there was no one else where I live that I knew that was into 3d. So I got as much books as I could with my save money, and ask around, and which are very helpful, but this site is better because it's all maya hehehe, but the books are even better IMO. About 3 months ago a friend hook me up with this guys named deke, who is working on a online store, which will be a site that sales 3d models. so I have been working on the site, so that means model model model!! The site should be up in july somethime. So that what i'm doing for a livinguser added image

As far as speed modeling, I'm not trying to go fast, but poeple have told me that I model fast, but really i'm just going my own paste. user added image

I also started the Machineflesh 3D Challenge, but I have very little time for it, but I will do more soon, heres the like if you do not know were it is Machineflesh 3D Challenge

I'm slso working on a ferret for another site that deke has up, which he is updateing.

Most of the inspirations for my 3d work come from the silent hill / resident evil series, the modeling and textureing in those games are awesome IMO user added image But there are movies as well like final fantasy: TSW, which is what got me into 3d in the first place, amazing stuff!

Oh BTW do you have any work on this simplymaya forum anywhere, Or a site? I would like to see your work if you have anyuser added image If not thats ok.

Heres the ferret i'm working on right now:

P.S. the best way to learn to model is to be abserve of as much as possible, like just the things around your house, and start modeling everything, I guess that where I got my speedy from, as i've model just about everything in and outside my house, and believe me you will learn alot just form the most simple things, like your own monitor. And I have modeled things that I did not think I could do, but you do it anyways, and that where you learn the most, and you get better fast, and faster at it.


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I am creating an illusion.


Challenge WIP

Last edited by vedic kings; 04-05-2004 at 12:03 AM.