You don't like how things are run in this forum? Too bad. Registration here is free to the public, but you are not necessarily free to say and do what you want. This is a privately owned domain. You have been granted the privilege to post on these forums, and you must abide by the rules set forth by the administrators. They decide what is ok to do/say and what is not. No if's, and's or but's.
Also, I have heard you complain ad nauseum about why Maya sucks, why other programs are better, etc. If you really don't like using Maya so much, why don't you switch to the one of the other programs? You say you wished you had learned something else other than Maya, that you would have been doing more work if you were using something else. Stop whining. Stop complaining. Do something about it. Bitching and moaning on web forums and IRC won't get you anywhere. If you feel that you will be more productive in another program, switch to another program and get to work.