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# 98 06-03-2005 , 09:19 AM
blomkaal's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Denmark
Posts: 816
First name: Jens Henrik
Last name: Skuldbøl

My first name is from my parents' fathers, my mother's was named Jens, and my father's Henrik, which are both pretty common danish names, but apparently form a paradox when combined. I always have to repeat it a couple of hundred times to people. It might be because there are lots of different danish names that consists of two common names being combined... Don't know anything about my last name though...

Nick: Blomkaal

Blomkål, the danish word for cauliflower, the 'å' is a newer (don't know when it started) danish (I think it's used in a few other nordic countries) letter, which replaced 'aa', hence: blomkål = blomkaal user added image

Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"