Thread: My own fat head
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# 23 02-06-2005 , 06:19 PM
blomkaal's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Denmark
Posts: 816
Lookin' really good!

Just bought Learning Maya - Character Rigging and Animation, and when I've messed around with it, I'll probably... Oh wait, make that "hopefully" (gotta put in som WoW time as well user added image )... get around to making a model of my own head as well and try out some facial animation...

But the model and textures look really good, a few suggestions (not really crits):

Textures look a little blurry to me, maybe try increasing the resolution.

The hair. I know you said it was short, but since it's (as far as I can tell) only included in the textures so far, it look's like it's painted on with a marker or something. You might be able to fix this with some kinda bump/displacement map later, dunno...

But still, thumbs up!

Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"