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# 2 11-09-2005 , 03:39 PM
twisteddragon33's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: New York, USA
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Alright.. Ive been sketching out different designs as much as i could and i cant decide between a reletivly new age alieneque style(smooth curvy with no hard edges:queens ship in star wars, some star trek) a modern human style(hard edges, obvious faults and rough style construction: Battlestar galactica), or a future terran style(high tech somewhat rough yet sleek, Most star wars stuff(newer movies)

I think im sticking with a combonation of slightly sleek bot some elements will be rough.. mixing the styles i dont know if its going to be good or bad right now.. but heres a screen.

Working on the nose of the ship now.. and made a few quick blocks of the wings and how i want them to form.

So far i have about 3-4 ways of connecting the wings to the ship. and 3 or 4 designs of connecting the engines to the ship/wings.. So im still a little shaky on which i want..

Also a few engines thar are larger.. or several smaller engines...

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AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.