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# 1 30-09-2005 , 05:10 PM
Grayth's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Brantford Ontario Canada
Posts: 43

Spring Cam problems


Ok I'm trying to go through and create a spring cam but I'm having an odd problem and not sure why. I want to make sure I can create this technique before trying to do it on 2 node cameras and other for now I'm trying to make a 1 node spring cam

here's what I have done so far.

Create 1 particle wth particle tool,
Create a poly cube, and scale it up a bit,
select particle, shift select cube and attach soft bodied springs
Create locator
select the shape node of the particle, connect the world centroid
to the transform of the locator in the connection editor.
Create a single node camera,
create a point constraint between the camera and the locator..

Now I made a couple test keys..the cube and springs all worked great however the locator mimics the movements of the particle, but doesn't stay connected to it...rather it seems to get thrown away from the particle while still mimic'ng it's movements..

What's wrong? I don't understand why the locator will not stay connected to the particle.


Think Twice Split Poly Once