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# 166 12-03-2006 , 03:35 AM
mirek03's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Australia
Posts: 2,752
Tim, you might have me there. Crocodile Dundee?? Can't remember it was so far removed from reality, it was all myth based. Was the black guy on equal terms or was he 'hey, master, me help you plenty big white fella, us black fellas find you bush tucker.' Be that as it may, Paul Hogan has his faults like we all do but i wouldn't be surprised if he was the only guy to do it. He came from a working class, blue collar, background and paid his dues painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge so it's possible he is very aware of class distinction.

here is another example; at my university there are people from ALL countries but NO indigenous people, NONE, maybe one for a token gesture that I haven't seen ?? but I don't think so. They dont have the money for it and their upbringing is tragic and so there is little education early in life that can lead to uni. i left school at 15 but still got into uni, but somehow the indigenous are troubled by societies whim and so they rarely make, or know they CAN make a decision like I did to try and do the SATAC test for mature age students. Whether the uni would let them in?? The government lends us working class the money to get through uni and so they want to see that we finish and get our degree so we can pay them back. With the indigenous people life is always on the edge, police, abuse, alcohol and more recently drugs, incest, you name it they have a problem with it. sure some slip through this net and things are changing, but slowly. There are always exceptions but I'm speaking 99%.

very sad stuff.

my movie, it will be live action. If I need CG elements I will put them in but no, it is live and the buddy movie will have to wait until I get a bit more experience, The one i am doing now is ex- positional doco style that shows a Japanese girl arriving at an airport, unable to speak the language or make sense of the signs on the walls, The sound will be disorientating as it would be to arrive in a country where the language has no familier melody to it, just a murmur, everything about the movie is about disorientation and isolation, mixed with fear and excitement of the unknown future. there will be room there for CG, definitely, and I ave a good morphing app too.

If your girl friend wants to know anything about here, ask me, I'll try and back up my words with reference material, whether the local paper or the uni library, No problem there, it's a pleasure.user added image

take it easy and life will be easy