Thread: rigging madness
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# 1 19-03-2006 , 05:52 PM
farbtopf's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Posts: 520

rigging madness

I've just finished my first "proper" rig, with constraints fk/ik switches etc. I've used the tutorial from "maya6 the complete reference" It works fine, BUT how complicated! It appears to be logical to me until it comes to put constraints to the arms. At some points I didn't have the slightest idea why I am doing what I am doing. I don't think I could repeat the process. Stuff gets constrained and grouped under itself, the pivot moves over there then grouped again, parented constrained, ahhhhhhhhh. Someone please tell me I am not stupid and it is just normal to be confused.
And is there a tutorial or description out there that explaines in deatail and for dummies why all this grouping and constraining happens the way it does.

But for everyone who hasn't done any rigging for their characters. It might not be so fun setting it up. But animating your creation is great, regardless of what I said above.