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# 8 26-05-2006 , 04:05 PM
skywola's Avatar
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Tempe, Arizona, USA
Posts: 224
Here is a working example I found on the web:

polyCube -ch false -n obj1;
polyCube -ch false -n obj2;
sphere -ch false -n obj3;
polyCube -ch false -n obj4;
polyCube -ch false -n obj5;

int $count;
string $cursel, $seltype;
for( $count = 1; $count < 6; $count++ ) {
$cursel = "obj" + $count + "Shape";
if( `objectType -isType "nurbsSurface" $cursel` ) break;
print( $count + "\n" );

"The Sage as an Astronomer: If you still see the stars as something above you, you lack the eye of knowledge." Friedrich Nietzsche