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# 10 02-09-2006 , 11:28 PM
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Origionally quoted by Some Guy:

That incident was over-exagurated. He knew what he was doing and didn't put the baby in danger. It looked like he was dangling the baby over the crocks mouth from the camera angle but if you look at other fottage you can see that he is holding the baby away from it.

Ok, we all know that Jacko is a wacko but take a look at this pic. Can you spot the danger here? Would you do this to a baby? Does this look like a sane act? That crock got as close a 3 feet away from that baby at one point. What if steve tripped and fell and dropped the baby. No one can predict accidents as with the case in Steve's death. The same could have happened with the Jacko baby. In my opinion, one should never put an infant in harms way no matter how safe one might think the situation is. Accidents can and will happen at the most unsuspecting moments.

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Last edited by THX1138; 02-09-2006 at 11:32 PM.