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# 3 21-12-2006 , 07:00 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 18
Hi tweetytunes, first of all, thanks for your reply. I've always interested in how other people thinks about this piece, it's always good to have a detailed descriptions.

In regard to this showreel, this is actually made specifically for the graduation. The time limits has been set by the project supervisors, as we don't have much flexibility on this. As for this one is 4.5mins.

The texts in the beginning just as the same title as from the Title on the right hand side of the page, I've noticed that too myself, but the time was about to ran out for the year so I had to stick with this.

About the 2D poetry one, this is actually the only part that does not made with Maya, but with Flash, Swift and other additional Flash programs. The title itself, 2d Animation, is actually stands for the course name... Sorry I didn't made that clear myself, but thanks for letting me know - Probably other viewers would also thinks the same thing.

By the way, I've only stepped into 3D not more than 1.5 years, and this is my first showreel I've ever made, I know this is kind of long for an online showreel, but I'll definitely take your suggestions in the future.

Thanks for your time and your detailed suggestions tweetytunes. user added image