Thread: Alien Invaders
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# 64 15-04-2007 , 02:07 PM
mirek03's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
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If my grade is any good I'll post it up here otherwise I'll be too busy working on improving!!

sounds like a cop out if ever I heard one :bandit:

great vid mate. I ended up geting 'save and haicut' and the digi-tuts for it. its amazing, like what 'film magic pro' is to AE, Shave and Haircut is to the hair module in maya.

I watched that 1956 si-fi movie 'the forbidden planet' last night and I conclude this (at 9 in the morning not yet finished my first coffee.)

With AE, bleach bypass is but a click away, cool blue is too, and the art of grading no longer an artistic process but more a process of digital selection. like with music, when analogue synthesizers became digital..., rather than the organic process of constructing sounds from filters and oscillators we now have trillions of great presets at our finger tips, the artistic process has become a selective one! With the demise of film stock and the uprising in digitization, this selective rather than artistic process is happening to film making too.

movies are not really too hard to make at uni, having instructors and references and extensions and time to kill (comparatively,) but outside uni, constructing a movie on time, that draws the punters away from 'my space' and 'u-tube' and into the theatre to put bums on seats is the challenge. . Leaving uni will be the hard part, when you dont get actors for free, and footage for free, and cameras for free, and no student or academic prices., no nothing for free and not even any employment.., and all those promises of 'ill act in your movies anytime mate' from the kids at the drama centre have gone up in a puff of smoke ( ? user added image ) then one learns to beg and borrow in this glamorous field of movie making .

take it easy and life will be easy