Thread: compositing
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# 2 08-01-2003 , 10:03 PM
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Unfortunately, my grammer skills are not up to par, so I don't know what composite means, however, I'll take a guess and assume you have modeled a dart in Maya and have a 2D image you want to put it in. The best application to do this sort of thing in is Photoshop. I don't know anything about After Effects, so I'll give you the Maya version.

First, create a plane and assign the image file to it as a texture. (right-click, click box beside colour tab, click file, browse for the image, load it, press 6 to display textures.) Now you have your image up. position a camera directly in front of the image and place your dart where ever you want.

If you have already taken a picture of the dart and have it saved to an image file, you can apply that image to a plane and use this tutorial to make the background go away.

Anyway, after you have everything how you want, you can either render it out and save it as an image file from the render window, or press Alt + Print Scrn in perspective view (copies the EnTiRe screen) then paste it onto a microsoft paint file or some other image program. *whew*