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# 1 27-10-2009 , 05:38 PM
Dango77's Avatar
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: London, England
Posts: 1,009

OrgaMecha: The End

I've been getting back to my story I've been developing after taking a break from it to study Maya etc, and now feeling a little more confident with 3d, will be able to use what I've learnt towards it.

I'm going to use this thread to dump everything I'm making towards it, Concept work, Scenes, Character designs and models, props etc.

I'm not fully sure what format this story will end up in yet, it was originally going to be just a Graphic novel, but I'd like to have it as an animated feature too, although it may be a bit beyond my capability's at the moment, and my hardware's too! lol!

Either way the art for the Graphic novel will involve the use of Maya,Zbrush etc anyway, so I can do the modelling for it anyway, and if I get to animate it, all good!

I'll also be moving my Smiler Wip to this thread at some point too, as the alleyway will be used in part of the story too, probably not the creatures themselves though.

I'm not going to go into the actual story at the moment, as I'm redrafting the script at the moment, it's at around 60 pages at the moment and needs a ton of work on it.

But for now I'm working on a train that'll be used in one of the action sequences, will post a render of it's at soon.

Virtual City Challenge Apr 09

Spaceship Challenge June 09

Speed Machine Challenge Feb 2011

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