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# 19 03-08-2010 , 01:45 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 258
Was working on a project all night and spoke in my barely conscious state of being alive pretty much.

Though, I am unfamiliar with that part in Gulliver's Travels. I just know he kept taking sail and... never making it to where he was supposed to go.. heh one who's considered that doesn't learn..

mmm maybe if we change the air we breathe.. to like.. that liquid oxygen in "The Abyss"

ya know.. the fleurohydracarbon whatever of course then we will have to wear a exo-skelton and be submerged in it.. or at least the head. This will strip out all the inhalent pollutants in the air and take away the wear and tear on the body thus lasting longer user added image

So.. change the air.. blood and.. i dunno.. the exo skeleton i find lame.. so scratch that one..
