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# 1 19-05-2011 , 04:08 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 8

Lighting of HIGH-scale scenes in Maya

Hey, I have an interior shot on the same scale as a normal cube scaled 650times... Its pretty large "room" + 10m long "bridge" (leading to the nord end of the room, where should be an altar). As u can immagine, the character is walking through the bridge and reaches the altar. The problem is, if a fill light has an intensity X near the altar and looks NICE (when both character and camera ae there), then we move the camera/character back on the bridge-start this same light's intensity is simply not high enough and you see pitch black... so i can keyframe the intensity like 50X in the start... BUT it seems i need like 20 fill lights for this volume and the movement speed of the camera is not homogenuous (so just keying start-end frame is not enough...). Oh, hope you got an idea what I'm talking about, but I'd really glad to hear how do u light such scenes....Ofcourse decay rate is set to none, but the light rays die anyway...

p.s. My initial scene was a lot smaller and my fill-lighting consisted of only 2 point lights (for an ok look)... but for some other reasons we had to scale it up... now keying 20 (+test rendering...) fill lights so that the result look homogenuous seems like a nightmare :x Please HELP