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# 5 24-02-2012 , 11:44 PM
ctbram's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 2,998
Yes you are all very close. Rebuilding curves and surfaces has to do with something called parameterization of parametric curves and surfaces.

In the Cartesian system we are all used to S(x,y,z) describing a point in space S. In a parametric CURVE the function would look like C(X(t), Y(t), Z(t)) and describes any point on the parametric CURVE C. Note that the (X,Y,Z) coordinates of the curve function C() are all functions of the PARAMETER t. Hence "PARAMETRIC" curve. Think of a parametric surface being made up of a system of parametric curves running perpendicular to each other which we call the U and V directions.

There are two basic type of parameterization in Maya - Uniform and Chord length

Here is a link that describes the two:

But do not let the long scary name frighten you.

With NURBs every curve of surface is described as a function. Think of the parameteriztion as the coordinates you feed into the function to determin your position on the surface of the curve. So for a line you have L(x) where x describes the position along the line L and S(x,y) describes the position on the surface S. Now L() and S() would would describe Cartesian system. NURB's uses parameterized functions as described above and I doubt anyone wants to sit through a lecture on the mathematics of parameterized non-rational-bsplines (NURBs). So I will try to just describe the important bits...

(1) what is parameterization? (see the link above)
(2) why is rebuilding things important?

For the second part it's easier for me to show you then to explain it because explaining requires more math-speak and I don't want to over complicate this any more then I already have so far lol.

For those that are having trouble sleeping here is the best (easiest) to grasp description of parametric curves and surfaces. **** ARGH! BEWARE THIS WAY THAR BE MONSTERS! ****

Standbye I will need 10 minutes to record something that will hopefully demystify things and be useful to the SM community...

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675

Last edited by ctbram; 25-02-2012 at 12:43 AM.