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# 3 01-05-2013 , 02:20 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 15
Nice, thanks for that. I'm curious why the component editor shows this info for a vertice selected from a primitive poly, but not my mesh. Not that I care enough to slow down figuring that out, my new button works magic.

I'd like to ask a follow up, my use for this info is to parent the mesh to a null object located at a known vertice. This point exists in an overlapping area of a second mesh, which I'm needing to align and eventually merge somehow with the first mesh (and a third, fourth). My approach was to place parent null objects at three locations, common points of interest, on two meshes, then simply copy the locations of one null set and paste them into the other, forcing both the position and rotation of one mesh to align to the other. I'm confident the logic is valid, but not sure if Maya supports parenting only by position not rotation, then if you can in turn move through the sequence of aligning the nulls, not losing position on one as you align the next. Make sense? Thanks for your time!