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# 1 13-02-2014 , 11:11 PM
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Robocop remake reactions (spoliers)

Ok this thread only for peeps who seen it.

We all know how much i love the first 2 and i was not liking the changes but seen the remake twice now and if i am honest - i enjoyed it, but its not a patch on the original by a long shot.

The cg and the redesigns looked great and fresh. I still did not like the full black suit but that is addressed within the end of the film, but the new suit does look great (when in grey) I was also not happy with the one human hand that justs floats there, but it became apart of the story. I was hoping that when he lost the arm it would have been that one - oh well.

I did feel the story was stronger in this than the original, much more freshed out and more natual than the past 80's cheese feast (yes i know its cheese but still love it). Very different type of film. Much more about everyones feelings than the action.

My only real problem with the film was the watered down voilance. Its what made the first film for me. The death of Murphy was one of those scenes that i remember every detail. They distorted him in that scene, mentally and physically. It truly was a scene to show how messed up crooks could be. A simple car bomb and hes redused to what he is was very disappinting and loses some of the potancey of his revenge compared to the first. His revenge in this one boils down to "your crooks, you got away with it, you shot my partner and put him on his back for a few weeks, i am angry".

Tha acting was much better by fair by the surporting actors but main guy was just as stiff as peter weller.

As i said it was good, and i hope people enjoy it. But I think it missed the mark with the lack of blood.

There are some really great cg shots and is worth watching just to see murphy breathing without the suit on. And the fight with the E.D.209's had some very imagonative ideas in there. (Although being called E.D and not ed pissed me off).

I know critis are hating it and no oscar for this, but hay ho, who cares.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 13-02-2014 at 11:18 PM.