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# 12 06-05-2003 , 01:31 AM
dave_baer's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Plantation, Florida
Posts: 1,568
WHEW!!! And here I thought I was gonna catch flame hell for that. user added image

Well, I agree with the points u guys made. But I guess I should have said to critique within reason. Dont go telling a newbie that his model sucks and he needs to read more books or something derogatory like that. Control your comments, only say what is necessary or tell him what he can do to improve it. Remember, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, not destructive. Control your comments and simply direct them to the problem areas, that's all.

As for the veterans, there are some who need no C&C. Some of us here are more than able to pull off a model and do it exceptionally well and need no C&C. But when it comes to it, again, simply point out what u think is wrong or could improve it. Even if I think my model/scene is done and kicks PIXAR ass user added image if someone should say 'I think it would look even better if you did this or added that..." I really do go and try it to see if it works. If it doesn't well, I took the crit with courtesy. But if it does, then hey! They just helped to make my pic a whole lot better. user added image

On the WIP issue. Obviously, it's a WIP. Things are to be added, textures are to be done, bla bla bla... But that doesnt mean u still cant C&C. Take Brian Ellebracht's Mech Design post. Now granted, he asked for the advice of his fellow SMers to guide the direction of the model, but that's the exact thing I'm talking about. Help to guide the artist in the direction he wants to go. If he's making a plane, suggest things that would make it look mor elike a plane. If he's making a flying mech, then tell him what u think would look good to add to it so that he has a pool of resources to pull ideas from. yeah?

Ok. Im glad to see that everyone pretty much agrees. So let's get to helping out our fellow SMers both new and old (old? Who's old?! user added image ) and let's help to make Simply Maya the great 3D community it's meant to be.

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Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida