Thread: Adding a logo
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# 2 08-09-2003 , 04:08 AM
ragecgi's Avatar
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kmannens at SGI once wrote a tut on this.

It looks like you already have your glass shader ready, so that is good.
Just use that, and create another Lambert, Blinn or whatever shading type you want, then follow his instructions below.

Putting a Label on a Bottle


For shading I used a layered shader with the phong glass in one layer and a lambert in another.

I'll elaborate....
1. create a layered shader
2. create a phong glass shader - RAGE EDIT: ...just use the one you have already.
3. If your label (the logo you want to add to the bottle) has no alpha channel, add one in photoshop. The alpha channel will be used to mask the transparecny, so just add a black channel to your image and save as .tif
4. map the tif on the color of a lambert and connect the out alpha to the RGB of the transparency. You do that by shift + MMB it over the lambert icon or by opening the connection editor)
5. open up the layered shader and drag the phong and lambert in the swatches
6. in the place2d node of the file texture, mess around with the interactive placement and scale your label as you want (use the MMB)
7. assign the shader to the bottle


add some light to your scene
tick on raytracing in your main light
tick on raytracing in your render globals
render away

As in all 3D, it takes a lot of tweeking and messing around to get the desired look. So, get a cup of coffee and start sliding those sliders... If you have questions or remarks, drop me a line at

Israel "Izzy" Long
Motion and Title Design for Broadcast-Film-DS