Thread: Freelance Work
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# 21 15-11-2002 , 02:16 AM
Darkware's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: USA
Posts: 1,172 (Free Radical Design) is looking for people to join up with them. They make video games for the Nintendo GameCube, X-Box, and the Playstation 2. Free Radical is a band of people who originally worked for a company called RARE. RARE is responcible for Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, and all of the Donkey Kong games. DK and Goldeneye were million sellers. Unfortuanantly, Microsoft bought 49% of RARE's stock, so Nintendo doesn't own them anymore. This could be the reason why Ken Lobb and the rest of them made their own company. Free Radical has only created two games so far since they are only starting out - Time Splitters 1 and 2. Apparently, they are in great need of a 3D texturing guy at this time. If you want to join a fast-growing company, this is deffinently worth a look. I plan to apply for a job here when I have the experience needed.