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# 1 12-04-2010 , 08:39 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 9

Troubleshooting with mel Please help!

Perhaps the version of Maya which I am using is to old or new. This script is a copy and paste, so there are no typing errors.

I am doing the cartoon character rigging tutorial by digital tutorials.

At the very beginning ( part 3) they ask you to execute the following mel script:
(which then gives me a syntax error)

//checks for our Window and Deletes it

if (`window -exists Node_Generate`)
deleteUI -window Node_Generate;

// Window for our Node Generator

string $Node_Generator = `window
-title “Node Generator”
– wh 128 256

//Define our row and column layouts

rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2 -cw 2 50;

// Column 1: buttons, column 2: button descriptions

separator; separator;

button -label “arcLen Maker” -c “CurveInfo()”; text -label “CurveInfo”;

separator; separator;

button -label “Mult Div” -c “multDiv()”; text -label “Mult Div Maker”;

//shows our window
showWindow $Node_Generator;