Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 106 07-10-2014 , 05:51 PM
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dDo nDo

I would love to see the Quixel package used in an arch viz type of workflow

# 107 10-10-2014 , 01:54 PM
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Tim Burton Character

I would love to see a tim burton tutorial done in maya. Found one in blender but of course i haven't learnt blender. Start to finish tutorial including doing hair and eyebrows. Now that would be a big plus.

# 108 10-10-2014 , 07:49 PM
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I would love to see a tim burton tutorial done in maya. Found one in blender but of course i haven't learnt blender. Start to finish tutorial including doing hair and eyebrows. Now that would be a big plus.

wendy3112 A good way to learn what maya can do, is to try to follow a tutorial in another 3D package using maya tools and if you get stuck you can always ask..................dave

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# 109 11-10-2014 , 06:31 AM
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wendy3112 A good way to learn what maya can do, is to try to follow a tutorial in another 3D package using maya tools and if you get stuck you can always ask..................dave

Yeah i thought i may try that first.

# 110 15-10-2014 , 03:48 PM
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They are used in production, from ILM to Blur etc.

Sony Images has just hired my good friend as a Character TD who has written his own code to speed up the process for rigging biped and quadrupeds.

You can even use ncloth as a muscle system so you get proper sliding effect under the skin.

# 111 08-11-2014 , 05:32 PM
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As a quick though, what about a new Realflow serie with the integration in the lighthouse project?


# 112 02-02-2015 , 11:34 AM
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Seek SubD Tutes

Was searching for tutorials on Subdivision Surface modelling, after getting excited by a YouTube clip on Pixars OpenSubDiv project.

I never liked Patch modelling- nurbs in general.

I was told Poly modelling was the future of 3D (many, many years ago...) And the vast majority of tutorials focus on this.. And that's what I ran with... I think Maya8 came with a getting started tutorial making a human hand in SubD? and I once followed a Tutorial to make a wheel rim.... but I have completely neglected this toolset/workflow otherwise. And am now looking to get my head around it...

If anyone has links to entry level SubD (though preferably not entry level Maya) I would be incredibly grateful.

I fear it may be a 'grass is greener on the other side thing' but SubD always seemed conceptually to be suited to the way I want to work...

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# 113 02-02-2015 , 05:40 PM
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Alas like NURBs I fear SubD's were added to Maya as a marketing scheme and were never really given proper attention. NURB's and SubD's in Maya have not been touched in in years. YEARS! In fact the entire SubD menu has been removed from Maya as of I believe Maya 2014. The tools are still there but hidden in the command line API.

I would seriously not recommend Maya for any serious subd projects. There are many weaknesses in Maya's subd tools compared to other packages who's names I will not mention here. Just as a simple example if you revert a subd back to poly all your creasing information is lost and you have to redo it when switching back to subd. Which makes modifying the base poly mesh after converting to subd impractical. I cannot think of any workflow that would have you redo all your work every time you have to make a base level adjustment.

Even if you can live with the creasing being lost issue, I find Maya creasing produces all kinds of artifacts when rendering. I had major stability issue with Maya since 2009 and have been using other packages that support subd and I do not see the rendering issues in those packages. I suspect this is due to Maya SW engineers not really putting any effort at all into improving the SubD tools for the last several years.

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675

Last edited by ctbram; 02-02-2015 at 05:46 PM.
# 114 02-02-2015 , 06:49 PM
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so ctbram, basically what you're saying is that Maya is really only good for doing Polygon type modeling and that's about it? (modeling tools wise)
That doesn't sound very promising user added image
I was under the impression once Autodesk took over, that they'd create a package that would almost rival 3DS Max in terms of productivity and tooling.

Hopefully, there'll be enough stink made about this from the dedicated hard-core users and this too will change sometime in the future .........

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# 115 03-02-2015 , 01:12 AM
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Well as far as modeling goes yes - Maya is predominantly a poly modeler. Even it's poly tool set is kind of long in the tooth but Autodesk has brought in some new features from their 3DS Max team. Maya is very customizable and has a powerful API. Studio's with deep pockets or creative folks that know how to program can bend Maya to their needs through programming. It is also more then just a modeler and has a powerful animation tool set.

I am not sure any of the traditional modelers Maya, 3DS Max, Softimage, etc are really in step with the current trend in modeling which seems to be make a base mesh in poly's in whatever traditional modeler you like and then send it to zbrush sub divide it into a gazillion polygons and then learn to be a sculptor.

Pushing and pulling verts to match orthogonal drawings seems to be a dieing art. I for one am sad as I come from a CAD background and touchy feely sculpting is not my bag of tea.

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
# 116 03-02-2015 , 12:28 PM
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Well that's not the answer I wanted to hear.. but thx.

Guessing the above reasons are why I was steered away from Subd?

It's just I saw someone (in a vid.. somewhere) using hierarchal editing to insert nice round indents into a face... (many noobs as you know dream of this) and they did it without up rezzing the entire mesh or ending up with copious edges to 'tie off' in order to avoid dreaded Ngons. ( My models often contract terminal Ngon/Pole-itis )

Small thing but it made me reflect that Id seen Subd before and over the years never used it... hoped it was the missing tool from my bag of tricks... Then when I followed link to link and ended with a Pixar open sub-d vid I was all - "Woot"

Oh well - Thx again.

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# 117 03-02-2015 , 12:49 PM
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In a nutshell, a pic like this excited me.

No Ngons here.

This is from a very entry level tute explaining poly,nurbs,subd..

Attached Images

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# 118 02-07-2015 , 11:31 AM
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2d Cartoons

I would like to see, if possible a tutorial on creating a 2D Cartoon sequence using Maya.

It would be great to understand the best settings for getting clean lines and flat colors with a single shadow.


# 119 10-03-2016 , 11:11 AM
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Posts: 18
Hi Everyone,

In the Spash-House tutorial, David showed us a website repository whereby you can find plans for classic homes.

I'm keen to read what resources people use to access other detail plans of objects such as ships, plans, trains, etc. There must be websites, libraries, etc out there that cater for this... what are people using?

An idea worth exploring might be to create a page on the SimplyMaya website whereby people can find schematics?

# 120 10-03-2016 , 11:20 AM
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