Nice challenge this month ! :attn:
I put here links I found during my research on the web.
The 10 second club : a little website a friend of mine make me discover. Nice place to see a lot of animators skill.
The Animation Lounge : Nice Forum. Don't miss the "free rigs" section.
Google Video : Everyone know this website but it's just a recall
I love the keyword search engine.
<< A French guy who have some problem in english but who have to live with >>
<a href="">My Website :</a>
<a href="">My Challenge Jan/Fev (Unfinished)</a> - <a href="">My Challenge Mar/Apr (Unfinished)</a>
<a href="">My Challenge May/June (Finished)</a> - <a href="">My Challenge July/Aug (In Progress)</a>
<a href="">W.I.P : Little Greek Place</a>