Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 16 26-05-2006 , 06:58 PM
arneoog's Avatar
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Did I move <name>?
Huh... I thought I didn't move anything in the materials...
so what...

Yay to conditional that writes lambert1 if the name is InitialShading... hehe

# 17 27-05-2006 , 12:45 AM
MattTheMan's Avatar
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fixed script:

first- triangulate mesh. second- delete ALL history.

Then, run this script.
//Script by Matt B. (ThatDude33) for export from Maya 6.5+ to Indigo 0.5.3
//Fixed by Arne OOG
//Outputs in script window
//Copy-Paste results into XML file, run using Ini File.
//No edits should be neccesary

//Start Writing:
string $write = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone=no>\n";
$write += "<!--Exported from Maya--!>\n\n";

proc vector normalize(vector $v){
float $len = sqrt($v.x*$v.x+$v.y*$v.y+$v.z*$v.z);
vector $n = <<$v.x/$len, $v.y/$len, $v.z/$len>>;
return $n;
//Will have a prompt window, but now uses settings from render globals
$write +="<scene>\n";
$write += "\n<renderer_settings>\n";
$write += "\t<width>" + `getAttr defaultResolution.width` +"</width>\n";
$write += "\t<height>" + `getAttr defaultResolution.height` +"</height>\n";
$write += "\t<metropolis>true</metropolis>\n";
$write += "\t<large_mutation_prob>0.2</large_mutation_prob>\n";
$write += "\t<max_change>0.025</max_change>\n";
$write += "\t<russian_roulette_live_prob>0.7</russian_roulette_live_prob>\n";
$write += "\t<max_depth>1000</max_depth>\n";
$write += "\t<bidirectional>true</bidirectional>\n";
$write += "\t<strata_width>10</strata_width>\n";
$write += "\t<frame_upload_period>20</frame_upload_period>\n";
$write += "\t<halt_time>-1</halt_time>\n";
$write += "\t<logging>true</logging>\n";
$write += "\t<image_save_period>30</image_save_period>\n";
$write += "\t<save_tonemapped_exr>false</save_tonemapped_exr>\n";
$write += "\t<save_untonemapped_exr>false</save_untonemapped_exr>\n";
$write += "</renderer_settings>\n\n";
$write += "\t<tonemapping>\n";
$write += "\t\t<reinhard>\n";
$write += "\t\t\t<pre_scale>2.0</pre_scale>\n";
$write += "\t\t\t<post_scale>1.0</post_scale>\n";
$write += "\t\t</reinhard>\n";
$write += "\n\t\t<colour_correction>1.0 1.0 1.0</colour_correction>\n";
$write += "\t</tonemapping>\n";
$write += "<background>\n<radiance>1 1 1</radiance>\n</background>\n\n";
$write += "\n<camera>\n";
float $px = `getAttr camera1.tx`;
float $py = `getAttr camera1.ty`;
float $pz = `getAttr`;
vector $pos = <<$px, $py, $pz>>;
float $tx = `getAttr camera1_aim.tx`;
float $ty = `getAttr camera1_aim.ty`;
float $tz = `getAttr`;
vector $aria-label="User link" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" class="giveMeEllipsisa" target= <<$tx, $ty, $tz>>;
vector $front = $target-$pos;
vector $dist = $front;
$front = normalize($front);
$write += "\t<pos>"+$px+" "+$py+" "+$pz+"</pos>\n";
float $ux = `getAttr camera1_up.tx`;
float $uy = `getAttr camera1_up.ty`;
float $uz = `getAttr`;
vector $up = <<$ux, $uy, $uz>>;
$up = $up - $pos;
$up = normalize($up);
$write += "\t<up>"+$up.x+" "+$up.y+" "+$up.z+"</up>\n";
$write += "\t<forwards>"+$front.x+" "+$front.y+" "+$front.z+"</forwards>\n";
float $fstop = 8;
if ($fstop < 1.0){
$fstop = 1.0;
if ($fstop > 22){
$fstop = 22;
float $aprad = 50/$fstop;
$aprad = $aprad/200;
$write += "\t<aperture_radius>"+$aprad+"</aperture_radius>\n";
float $FD = sqrt($dist.x*$dist.x+$dist.y*$dist.y+$dist.z*$dist.z);
$write += "\t<focus_distance>"+$FD+"</focus_distance>\n";
$write += "\t<aspect_ratio>"+`getAttr defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio`+"</aspect_ratio>\n";
$write += "\t<sensor_width>0.036</sensor_width>\n";
$write += "\t<lens_sensor_dist>0.0523314</lens_sensor_dist>\n";
$write += "\t<white_balance>D65</white_balance>\n";
$write += "</camera>\n\n";

string $mats[] = `ls -mat`;
for ($one in $mats){
	if (`objectType $one` == "lambert"){
		$write+= "\n<material>\n";
		if($one == "initialMaterialInfo"){
			$one = "lambert1";
		$write += "\t<name>"+$one+"</name>\n";
		$write += "\t<diffuse>\n";
		float $color[] = `getAttr ($one + ".color")`;
		$write+="\t\t<colour>"+$color[0]+" "+$color[1]+" "+$color[2]+"</colour>\n";
		$write += "\t</diffuse>\n";
		$write += "</material>\n";
	if (`objectType $one` == "phong"){
		$write += "\n<material>\n";
		$write += "\t\t<name>"+$one+"</name>\n";
		$write += "\t<phong>\n";		
		float $col[] = `getAttr ($one + ".color")`;
		$write += "\t\t<diffuse>"+$col[0]+" "+$col[1]+" "+$col[2]+"</diffuse>\n";
		float $reflectivity = `getAttr($one +".reflectivity")`;
		if ($reflectivity > 0.0){
			$write += "\t\t<specular>"+$reflectivity+" "+$reflectivity+" "+$reflectivity+"</specular>\n";
		if ($reflectivity == 0.0){
			float $refl[] = `getAttr ($one +".reflectedColor")`;
			$write += "\t\t<specular>"+$refl[0]+" "+$refl[1]+" "+$refl[2]+"</specular>\n";
		float $exp = `getAttr ($one + ".cosinePower")`;
		float $exp = $exp * 10;
		$write += "\t\t<exponent>"+$exp+"</exponent>\n";
		$write += "\t</phong>\n";
		$write += "</material>\n";

string $shapes[] = `ls -s`;
for ($one in $shapes){
	if(`objectType $one` == "mesh"){
	int $nV[] = `polyEvaluate -v $one`;
	int $nF[] = `polyEvaluate -f $one`;
	int $x = 0;
	$write += "\n<mesh>\n";
	$write += "\t<name>"+$one+"</name>\n";
	$write += "\t<embedded>\n";
	for($x=0;$x < $nV[0];$x++){
		string $cv = $one+".vtx["+$x+"]";
		float $pos[] = `pointPosition $cv`;
		$write += "\t\t<vertex pos='"+$pos[0]+" "+$pos[1]+" "+$pos[2]+"'";
		float $normal[] = `polyNormalPerVertex -q -xyz $cv`;
		$write += " normal='"+$normal[0]+" "+$normal[1]+" "+$normal[2]+"'";
		string $uv[] = `polyListComponentConversion -fv -tuv $cv`;
		float $uvcoord[] = `polyEditUV -q $uv`;
		$write += " uv0='"+$uvcoord[0]+" "+$uvcoord[1]+"'/>\n";
	$write += "\t<triangle_set>\n";
	string $sg[] = `listConnections -type shadingEngine $one`;
	string $mat[] = `listConnections $sg[0]`;
	//$mat[2] holds the actual material.	
	print(`listConnections $sg[0]`);
	if ($mat[2] == "initialMaterialInfo"){
		$mat[2] = $mat[0];
	if ($mat[2] == "renderPartition"){
	$mat[2] = $mat[3];
	$write += "\t<material_name>"+$mat[2]+"</material_name>\n";
	for($x = 0;$x < $nF[0];$x++){
		string $curface = $one +".f["+$x+"]";
		string $vfl[] = `polyListComponentConversion -ff -tvf $curface`;
		$vfl = `filterExpand -sm 70 $vfl`;
		$write +="\t\t<tri>";
		for ($v in $vfl){
			string $vert[]=`polyListComponentConversion -fvf -tv $v`;
			string $vnum = match("[0-9]+",match("[0-9]+\]",$vert[0]));
			int $conv = $vnum;
			$write += $conv + " ";
		$write += "</tri>\n";
	$write += "\t</triangle_set>\n";
	$write += "\t</embedded>\n";
	$write += "</mesh>";

string $trans[] =`ls -s`;
for ($one in $trans) {
			string $shape[] = `listRelatives -shapes $one`;
			if (`objectType $one` == "mesh"){
			$write += "\n\n<model>\n\t<pos>0 0 0</pos>";
		$write += "\n\t<scale>1</scale>";
		$write += "\n\t<normal_smoothing>true</normal_smoothing>";
                $write += "\n\t<rotation><matrix>1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1</matrix></rotation>";
		$write += "\n\t<mesh_name>"+$one +"</mesh_name>\n</model>";
$write += "\n</scene>";
if (`window -exists indOut`) deleteUI indOut;
window -title "Output for Indigo Renderer" indOut;
windowPref -wh 500 600 indOut;
rowLayout -h 600;
scrollField -w 480 -h 560 -editable false -tx $write;
showWindow indOut;

Live the life you love, love the life you live

Last edited by MattTheMan; 27-05-2006 at 01:54 PM.
# 18 27-05-2006 , 06:14 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 10
Coming along nicely there, Matt!
I would've tried it...if I had Indigo.
I still tried it.
I forgot that I hadn't got maya.
Just PLE.

user added image

# 19 27-05-2006 , 11:46 AM
arneoog's Avatar
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Posts: 189
There is one thing that still haven't been done...
Correcting the "maya Y" to "indigo Z"
It makes the Sky Light look really stupid :p

Could you try to add/fix that? user added image

In this image the sky light is lying sideways... even though I sat it directly above...

Attached Thumbnails

Last edited by arneoog; 27-05-2006 at 11:50 AM.
# 20 27-05-2006 , 01:18 PM
MattTheMan's Avatar
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umm... I should do that... but-

but- a bunch (ok, maybe not a bunch) of people actually have Maya Z as up. I do. You should change yours too.

But, if it does cause many more problems, i'll end up with a conditional that does that (if orientationUp == "Y")then... add the <rotation><matrix>whatever matrice does it</matrix></rotation>.

Oh- how did you fix the bug that didn't let you load? I'm curious.

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# 21 27-05-2006 , 01:26 PM
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Originally posted by Arangol
Coming along nicely there, Matt!
I would've tried it...if I had Indigo.
I still tried it.
I forgot that I hadn't got maya.
Just PLE.

user added image

lol, arangol... poor little peeps with their PLE user added image You can still get indigo if you want, its free! Find a link in the Indigo Unbiased Renderer thread- look for 0.5 tests.

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# 22 27-05-2006 , 01:28 PM
arneoog's Avatar
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I tried to change it to Z up, but then all my models I've made suddenly rotaded and became totally screwed...
So I had to change it back...

hehe, okay I tell you :p

-You wrote <forewards> insted of <forwards>
-And I took the </embedded> before <triangle_set> away
-Last I removed all the <!-- --!>, I'm not quite sure why... hehe...

Edit: and you had </colour>0 0 1</colour>...
<colour>0 0 1</colour>...

Last edited by arneoog; 27-05-2006 at 01:34 PM.
# 23 27-05-2006 , 01:57 PM
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well... I guess I'll have to add the rotation matrices. See, the problem would have been the cameras- rotating -90 around the X axis. I guess I'll try it... but I'm not guaranteeing ANYTHING.

Oh- do you know the MEL name for orientation? Or should I just prompt the user "Is Y+ currently up?".

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# 24 27-05-2006 , 02:14 PM
arneoog's Avatar
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I have no idea what the MEL name for orientation is...

Have you chacked the MEL Command Reference?

# 25 27-05-2006 , 03:20 PM
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yeah- I have... didn't find anything.

Well- MEL is slow. Very slow. I would have done this is C++ but... I can't hook it with Maya!!!!!

It took about 7 minutes to export 12000 polygons(24000tris) on my 3.2 ghz HT with 2 gigs of ram. user added image

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# 26 27-05-2006 , 03:23 PM
arneoog's Avatar
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yes, it is slow... user added image

# 27 27-05-2006 , 03:25 PM
MattTheMan's Avatar
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oh- and I think there are some normal smoothing issues- either I am exporting them wrong or it's Indigo's fault. I'm pretty sure it's mine... and I will show you a before and after shot.

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# 28 27-05-2006 , 04:58 PM
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ok- here's a couple:

No Normal Smooth
user added image

With Normal Smooth
user added image

Odd Cube w/ Normal Smooth
user added image

Odd Torus
user added image

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Last edited by MattTheMan; 27-05-2006 at 06:13 PM.
# 29 27-05-2006 , 05:03 PM
arneoog's Avatar
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I haven't used normal smooth...
Why should I?

# 30 27-05-2006 , 05:05 PM
MattTheMan's Avatar
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well, so you don't get faceting in rendering... etc.

my latest post, btw had normal smoothing in the code.

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