how is it with maya and a lot of entities?Originally posted by tariqrf
the Gigabyte 8IHEXP (hope that number is correct), is the fastest P4 motherboard in the world right now... the second fastest is the Asus P4T533-C motherboard... both are RDRam.. if it isfor you than the Gigabyte P4 Titan 533 motherboard is the fasted DDR motherboard.. i personally, go for a new system, and if i need rock solid performance, i would go for the Gigabye 81HEXP.... man it is rock solid, rock stable... and rocks everthing...
I experienced the same thing on my machine using paintfx trying to paint a starfield on a partial cube. If you look at my first post you can see my computer stats are pretty current. I figure it's just heavy tasking or there are some optimization settings I haven't found, yet.Originally posted by iron_tick
one thing i dont understand is im running on a 1400mhz athalon and it bogs down with lots of paint and texture. the rendering isnt fast either. but everyone says im in the 'good' range for my pc to run maya. theres got to be better. isnt there an 'ultimate pc rig' out there?(for the regular people?)
How much ram?Originally posted by mtmckinley
Mine works pretty well. single Pentium4 2.0 Ghz. I crash every now and then... not too often, though, and usually only when I have Maya, Photoshop, MP3, and web stuff going on. :p