Substance Painter
In this start to finish texturing project within Substance Painter we cover all the techniques you need to texture the robot character.
# 1 10-08-2007 , 02:55 AM
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Advice on face & ear flow please (plus UV question)

Hi folks,

I'm making a head at the moment. I think the head looks good though would appreciate any comments on the loop flow (I've yet to start the neck).

The ear is a problem though. I've looked at some tutorials, but I wany to make mine with much less polygons than in the examples. Any comments on it's shape, and how it can be improved, would be much appreciated. Each image has the mesh smoothed and unsmoothed.

Final question - should I make my UV maps on the unsmoothed versions, then smooth the model after? Will it still match the topology?



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# 2 10-08-2007 , 02:56 AM
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And the ear...

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# 3 10-08-2007 , 03:59 AM
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Maniacal boy king of Babylon
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Looks good only try to keep in mind, to maintain an edgeflow, try to make the lines flow smoother.
And yes i would uv map the rough model, in case you need to tweak anything by hand....
I would recommend using a planar projection on your headgeometry, make separate shells for the ,innermouth nose,eyesocket and ear and then select the uv'sin the middle from the chin to the forhead(stop where the texture seems to stretch).
Open the UvTExture-editor and go to polygons=>unfold=>optionbox.
Turn on pin uv border, turn on pin uv's and then pick pin selected uv's
Now goto other settings=> maximum iterations and make it a value of 1(trust me).
Now leave the unfuld box open by clicking apply.
Now you will see the uv's changing in UTE.
there comes a point where the eyesockets,innermouth etc are becoming to big in comparison to the rest of the uv's, then you have to go to the optionbox and deselect pin uv border.
I really like this method instead of automatic mapping where i will get like a miljon different shells, but to each his one, right?
Good luck

ps; i've included a texture for laying out uv's

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# 4 10-08-2007 , 04:14 AM
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and thanks for the comprehensive reply. I agree about the edgeflow - the ears have got some serious problems. The overall shape is getting there but my lines are a bit of a mess - I'm starting over with that in mind.

Thanks also re the advice on UV mapping - I've only done a little and it is difficult. I'll try the technique you suggest - I think I'd have been more likely just to make a few auto-maps and stitch them together, which is a very basic method.

Re the image - have you by any chance worked through the book the game artist's guide to maya? That exact image comes with it, and is indeed very handy for laying out a UV map.

thanks again,


# 5 10-08-2007 , 07:35 AM
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Maniacal boy king of Babylon
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yes it's from that book:p

And automatic mapping sucks, it always breaks up where you don't want it to break up, you get as i said a mijon pieces.
Trst me this method is better.
When i used automatic mapping it took me several days to unwrap the model, this way it took 1 hour to unwrap the whole model i made(approx same polycount and complexity as previous model), including mistakes..
If you have the money and your willing to spend i suggest you buy learning maya7 the modeling and animation handbook .
And again good luck

# 6 10-08-2007 , 08:23 AM
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Yeah, it's a good book.

I'll try your technique later - when I said auto mapping, I meant on selected faces (ie, all those on the top, then the side, then the front of the face) to give you a few meshes, which you can then join as you see fit. I'll give yours a go though - anything that makes it easier has to be good.

Could i ask you another question? I like the way my head looks when I convert it to nurbs, but I've never tried to UV map them. Is it the same, or am I looking at the start of a whole new learning curve?



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