How to merge these objects?
Hello, I have gotten a file from a third party group, and I am not sure what kind of components the model is build up from, but I want to merge the objects together so I can load it into Avid 3D, but I cant seem to use the standard Merge option, I guess its made out of NURBS surfaces, but they are not connected to each other.
Can anyone tell me how to merge these components to a model without any holes and stuff?
Here is a picture so you can have a closer look at the model:

UPDATE: Oh Appearantly I can't export Nurbs surfaces to OBJ, since it is skipping NURBS surfaces when I try to export it, so do I need to change the NURBS into polygons? and how to link them if so?
Last edited by Stannoman; 25-04-2009 at 03:52 PM.