I feel pretty dumb, but I can't figure out how to turn off the UV border display in the 3d view port. At least, I think it's the UV border. It's the blue wire frame overlay. Yeah, I'm really new to Maya in general if you couldn't tell.. heh.
I'm trying to see how the borders match up, and having the blue line highlight them makes it really hard for me to see the texture detail since it's bright blue. lol
I looked through Maya's giant help file, but I still couldn't find the answer. I'm sure it's in there though, and I was dumb enough to not phrase it correctly.
Also, I've noticed that sometimes when I try to sew two UV edges, it doesn't work. Does anyone know why this might happen? Could it have to do with UVs sharing verticies or something? Because it's driving me nuts.
Thanks for any help! And sorry for the retarded questions. *cough*