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# 1 22-10-2003 , 02:37 AM
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Need opinions about Art Int. of Pittsburgh 3D courses

I'm thinking about going to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, but am not sure which course to take. There is Digital Design, Game Art & Design, Graphic Design, and Media Arts & Animation. All of them seem a lot alike. I can only do one because they are so expensive for a bachlor's degree. I could get an "Associate of Science" degree, which is half the price, but I think that's half the course as well. user added image

Opinions please.

# 2 22-10-2003 , 03:07 AM
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Art Institute of Portland is where i want to go. I hear all the AIs are good.

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# 3 22-10-2003 , 03:15 AM
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all AIs are good...

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# 4 22-10-2003 , 08:36 AM
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From what i gather all the AI's are accredited so thats why i'm going to the AI of Fort Lauderdale in january for computer animation (why do they feel the need to name all these courses so similarly?). i looked at Ringling, Full Sail and even the crisp new Digital Media Arts College (that one is too new, can't take the chance). Florida is not the "tech-y-est" place user added image but this is where i'm stuck for now. but i thought it a good investment to learn as much as i can on my own (i've heard too many horror stories from college graduates). has anyone here been to that AI? any tips for a noob?user added image Almost all my freinds from highschool are taking a medical course or in the military (wtf!!) no one understands my plight. lol

# 5 22-10-2003 , 11:53 AM
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Originally posted by Goni
Almost all my freinds from highschool are taking a medical course or in the military (wtf!!)

Well, we will always need medical personnel, so the medical field is very marketable in terms of job demand upon graduation. As for the military, unfortunately, the same is true. But don't knock it. user added image Though my husband, a programmer, is stuck in the boring world of Oracle databases (where he'd rather be above all, not quite, but you get my meaning), our good friend Josh just landed a job programming tactical combat simulations. Now how cool is that? :bgreen:

# 6 23-10-2003 , 04:02 AM
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i understand what you're saying Nataliia.user added image and c'ngrats to Josh. man need to get a move on this whole newbie learning thing and post some stuff... (procrastination is a b****). i lost a certain folder of mine when i switched to 2k.user added image . i realize that i can't completely lean on the courses at AI ( cuz my senior year i saw the material they use to recruit people with) user added image but they're nationally accredited so they're cool with me. user added image

# 7 23-10-2003 , 07:39 PM
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Dockode: All AI's are good, but if you ask around, AI Pittsburgh seems to be the best choice for some reason. When I went to AI Ft. Lauderdale, a lot of students dropped out and transfered there.

Hey Goni, I went to AI Ft. Lauderdale back in 96 for their Recording Engineering and Music Business course. I wasn't too thrilled with it at the time. I don't know if they've changed since then, but if they have all new staff then I'm sure they have. I wasn't pleased with the faculty, but the courses were pretty on point. The dorms were total shit and way too expensive for what they were, a converted Days Inn with no cooking facilities which forced you to either eat out all the time or dine in their *cough!* wonderful in-house diner. Which btw, is run by students who also did the cooking. Oh, and you also have to pay for parking every quarter which is like $45. But it's still cheaper than parking meters and way cheaper than a towing bill. :p

I just graduated from AI:MIU (Art Institute : Miami International University of Art and Design) formerly International Fine Arts College. Have you considered them? They have a Maya program there and offer a Masters degree in 3D Animation. I don't think AI Ft. Laud has that yet, and I think they teach 3DSMax there instead of Maya.

DMAC - Digital Media Arts College was started by the old animation department head from my school. Most of the staff there were teachers and faculty from IFAC so I can tell you that they're good people over there and know what they're doing. One of the teachers there used to work for SEGA. But I don't blame you for being skiddish about them being such a 'young' school. Give them a few years, they'll grow.

What part of Florida are you in, btw?

user added image

Dave Baer
Professor of Digital Arts
Digital Media Arts College
Boca Raton, Florida

Last edited by dave_baer; 23-10-2003 at 07:42 PM.
# 8 23-10-2003 , 11:32 PM
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well, dave_baer, i live in miramar. just finished graduating from miramar high this june.user added image 4 years of not a single 3d-er in sight user added image . i looked at Miami's AI (i thought they had the same thing) the Ft. L. rep said that they used maya ( i guess they switched). i was considering the dorms ....but i had second thoughts. i don't like the fact that they insist on combining 2d animation with 3d animation courses. when i saw DMAC i thought it was a dream come true...but, once again, there're too new.

Darkware mentioned the the media arts & animation, this includes game development (which i'm not quite interested in right now) i wanna make cg movies dammit!! (i saw the FF7 movie trailer...drool) bout time square corrected their FF movie mistakes. but the media arts course is as close as it gets so i chose that. (strange how they don't have any clips of lil' student movies in their commercial, all i see is game development)user added image i'm taking a closer look at Miami. thanx for the advice dave_baer.user added image

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