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WideBoy 22-02-2007 08:31 PM

3 of 4 panels wont let me scale or rotate my model
Hello there.

When i was getting ready to model some more for a BF2 mod i am a part of maya started to act up.

I normaly model with 4 panels for easy access to all vertexes and polys.

But today 3 of my 4 panels didt let me modify my model.
Its the scale and rotate thats acting up.
In the "working" panel everything looks normal but in the other three the tools are just grey lines:

Where have i messed up and what can i do to fix this issue?

I got a 6800GS AGP GFX card. p4 2.6 CPU and 1.5 gig ram.
and just went from Maya 7.0 to 8.0 in hope that would fix my problem.

mirek03 23-02-2007 01:28 AM

have you tried restarting?? or resetting (turn the computer power off and on, not really recommended but a fix in an emergency)

happymat27 23-02-2007 02:39 AM

I've seen this before,

it a graphics card incompatibility/not enough memory issue. If you've not experienced the problem before then you could try what Mirek said (Hello by the way Mikrek, how're you doing?) but I'm pretty certain about this one.

Take it easy,


gster123 23-02-2007 03:58 AM

Yeah Mat, think your spot on, try gettinbg the latest graphics card drivers for your card.


WideBoy 23-02-2007 06:50 AM

Thanks for the help guys.

If i was just a little smarter i would check the script thingy in maya and there it is:
"Warning: Your system does not have hardware accelerated OpenGL, or your driver is not configured properly. Maya will continue to run, but you will get significantly better performance with accelerated hardware."

But this wasnt a problem before.
And my card suport OpenGL1.5.
When it comes to drivers and openGL settings i am not that knee deep in knowledge. How do i fix this? (Already tried to install a new driver but it aint doing it for me)

mirek03 24-02-2007 12:21 AM

hi Matt, Im fine, back to uni (BCA Honours) in two days. Hope life is fine for you and you got through the group thing OK. I hate groups at uni, always there is one person who does 98% of the work.

Anyway, the driver.., are you sure it is the latest, did you recently upgrade maya?? Open GL is relatively new and if your graphics card id good but old, you might be in trouble if you recently upgraded maya.

did you delete the other driver first and then restart so your OS can find the AVG driver?? Then install the new driver (did this happen after you installed a new driver, if so.., roll back) Probably you dont have to restart to let the system find the AVG driver (I hope I am in the correct decade here)but Im just superstitious about it.

Gster or any of these guys know WAY more than me. As Matt said an incompatibility..?? any new software you have put on.., maybe your motherboard or video card is on the way out, so be prepared for that.

publicFunction 24-02-2007 01:34 AM

The NVidia 6800 does support open GL so there should be no issues there. Sounds to me that you have either got corrupt video drivers or worse (as has been suggested), a dieing video card. I have recently had to change my 6600GT to an ATI X1300Pro. The 6600 died after rendering a pretty hefty MR Scene.

So my advise is as follows:

Go to Add/Remove Programs and deinstall the software for the card (do not use the card manufacturers software always use NVidias latest software from their site). Once done do not reboot quite yet. Go into Device Manager and remove your video card (Right Click on My Computer and Choose Device Manager), highlight the card and hit Delete (not backspace) and say yes to any prompts or confirmations. Do not reboot yet, if you have not got the latest drivers go to and download them.

Now reboot and once your up again you should get a nice low res screen (usually running at 800x600). Install the NVidia drivers and allow a reboot once done reset your resolution to the one you want and away you go. If this does not work then I am afraid you may have a dieing card.

The Architect 24-02-2007 02:31 AM

Don't know if its happened to anyone else, but when you uninstall your graphic cards drivers, you have to be careful not to remove the default drivers that came with Windows. I did that once when I used an NVIDIA and I got all sorts of errors regarding the drivers saying that I don't have an NVIDIA and stuff.

Anyways, if new drivers don't fix the Maya problems, it doesn't mean you have a dying card, a dying card has a garbled picture with flickering multicoloured blocks (yep, I've seen one) and all sorts or wierdness and from the screenshot you've posted, your card looks fine, its probaly a software problem with either Maya or Windows.

mirek03 > '...Open GL is relatively new and if your graphics card id good but old, you might be in trouble if you recently upgraded maya.'

OpenGL has actually been around for ages - Quake II back in 1997 ran on OpenGL (I think ATI Rage was the card of choice back then...) and SGI, being the creators of OpenGL had it since 1993 I think. The thing is, can your video card support the version of OpenGL Maya uses...

gster123 24-02-2007 04:37 AM


Originally posted by The Architect

OpenGL has actually been around for ages - Quake II back in 1997 ran on OpenGL (I think ATI Rage was the card of choice back then...) and SGI, being the creators of OpenGL had it since 1993 I think. The thing is, can your video card support the version of OpenGL Maya uses...

That is Quite new! the older you get the older newer stuff is, LOL

I still think that DVD writers are very new! LOL

happymat27 24-02-2007 05:25 AM


you can get DVD writers?!?

gster123 24-02-2007 05:26 AM

Yeah man! and CGI on computers too!! (from tiddles signature) LOL!

happymat27 24-02-2007 05:56 AM


I need to get out more!!

publicFunction 24-02-2007 06:31 AM

Whats a..


mirek03 24-02-2007 05:01 PM

DVD writers?? I have a CD writer, wow, I want a DVD writer too.

the interesting thing about the humble optic DVD (and I am sure someone will pick me up on my ignorance here, please do) the story I heard is it took so long and so much money to R and D that Sony had to join forces with another company and took years to develop, now its just a boring old DVD. As Gster said, its still new to me too, (age and all that) and I still find DVDs amazing and treat them like an old LP (vinyl).

The point about open GL being relatively new, Gster hit it on the head, depends which maya supports, Ihave a Quadro 4 750XGL that will not support open GL for anything past and maya 8.

The Architect 25-02-2007 01:16 AM

So the older you get, the newer old things seem... lol! :)

mirek03 > 'The point about open GL being relatively new, Gster hit it on the head, depends which maya supports...'

Umm. Didn't I say that?

gster123 25-02-2007 01:38 AM


Originally posted by The Architect
So the older you get, the newer old things seem... lol! :)

Yeah think its linked in with that when you get older the year goes by faster, last year seemed to be summed up as "happy new year!!, Happy birthday to you, Auld Langs syne!" all in the space of a week as far as I can remember!

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