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alienfromblueplanet 26-05-2008 01:48 AM

Can any one give me any suggestion on how to make blood. I need it to splatter first like on a wall and then drip down.

Any idea would help.


bendingiscool 26-05-2008 07:21 AM

To get any realistic effects really you would need a liquid simulator such as realfow, you could try n fake it using blobby particles and a high threshold but it would probably still look too gooey, more like honey than blood.


ragecgi 26-05-2008 09:59 AM

Ironicly, there is a paintFX brush that does exactly this automaticly:)

Just draw a curve on the surface you want the blood to appear on, attach the brush to the stroke, and play back/render the sequence, and the blood will drip-down the surface.
Just animate the near/far clipping values of the brush to get it to "splatter" onto the wall/surface before the dripping begins:)

Otherwise what bending said about the blobby particle render-type is correct.

Another thing I would suggest, if you are familiar with a compositing package, you could always do it in post.

Bend and warp real splatter footage onto the surface you require.

Also, it really depends on the style of blood you require.

B-movie gore blood, simple splatter, long streams, etc.

alienfromblueplanet 26-05-2008 10:59 PM

hi thanks for you reply. this maya brush you are talking about it doesnt exist in the older version of maya does it. cause i dont use maya 8. i use 6 so thats much older....

ragecgi 26-05-2008 11:17 PM

Hmmm, It's been years since I was in v6, but check to see if there is a blood brush in the "visor" under paintfx brushes.

If not, then you must either do it in post, or VERY carefully with particles and goals:)

Good luck!

alienfromblueplanet 30-05-2008 06:24 AM

thanks...maya 6 doesnt have a blood i guess will have to figure out something in post production...

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