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ragecgi 13-12-2002 04:02 AM

by the way, when I was importing it into the Hypershade, I had to tell Maya that it was a .ma file so it would understand it.

Just thought I'd point that out:)

NitroLiq 13-12-2002 04:03 AM

Nope, didn't work. "Unrecognized file type." Tried to import first as "best guess" and second as .ma file type. Here's the script editor result:

select -cl ;
pv_performAction "C:/Documents and Settings/me/Desktop/" "Best Guess";
// Warning: Object not found: projectViewerWindow //
// Result: 0 //
select -cl ;
pv_performAction "C:/Documents and Settings/me/Desktop/" "mayaAscii";
file -import -type "mayaAscii" -rpr "RBulletTrail4_0" -options "v=0;p=17" "C:/Documents and Settings/me/Desktop/";
// Error: file: C:/Documents and Settings/me/Desktop/ line 4: Cannot find procedure "fileInfo". //
// File read in 0 seconds.
// Error: Error reading file. //

ragecgi 13-12-2002 04:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, try this one...

Remember to import it as an .ma file:)

If it doesn't work, I'll just make it a mel script instead....

NitroLiq 13-12-2002 04:23 AM

Works now! Thanks, you da man! :beer:

ragecgi 13-12-2002 04:32 AM

Also, in case anyone want's to do it, just copy the following code, and paste it into your script editor, then highlight it, and middle-mouse-drag it to a shelf to make a button to create the shader anytime you want it:)

//Start copy here - - RageBulletTrail shader

createNode blinn -n "RAGEbullet_trail";
addAttr -sn "bob";
setAttr ".rdl" 4;
setAttr ".rfi" 15;
setAttr ".rfc" yes;
setAttr ".dc" 0;
setAttr ".c" -type "float3" 0 0 0 ;
setAttr ".it" -type "float3" 0.7094 0.7094 0.7094 ;
setAttr ".sc" -type "float3" 1 1 1 ;
setAttr ".rfl" 1;
setAttr ".ec" 0.085459999740123749;
setAttr ".sro" 32.807998657226563;
createNode lightLinker -n "lightLinker1";
select -ne :time1;
setAttr ".o" 1;
select -ne :renderPartition;
setAttr -s 2 ".st";
select -ne :renderGlobalsList1;
select -ne :defaultShaderList1;
setAttr -s 4 ".s";
select -ne :postProcessList1;
setAttr -s 2 ".p";
select -ne :lightList1;
setAttr -s 2 ".l";
select -ne :initialShadingGroup;
setAttr ".ro" yes;
select -ne :initialParticleSE;
setAttr ".ro" yes;
select -ne :defaultRenderGlobals;
setAttr ".top" 362;
setAttr ".left" 146;
setAttr ".bot" 185;
setAttr ".rght" 548;
setAttr ".fs" 1;
setAttr ".ef" 10;
select -ne :defaultRenderQuality;
setAttr ".rfl" 10;
setAttr ".rfr" 10;
setAttr ".sl" 10;
setAttr ".eaa" 0;
setAttr ".ss" 2;
setAttr ".ert" yes;
select -ne :defaultResolution;
setAttr ".w" 640;
setAttr ".h" 480;
setAttr ".dar" 1.3329999446868896;
setAttr ".ldar" yes;
select -ne :defaultLightSet;
setAttr -s 2 ".dsm";
connectAttr "RAGEbullet_trail.msg" ":defaultShaderList1.s"

//End copy

NitroLiq 13-12-2002 03:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Nice. If anyone needs decides to go the script route, here is a quick shelf icon (bmp) I created for the shader.

NitroLiq 13-12-2002 03:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And here is what it looks like if you want to see it before downloading.

Kevin 13-12-2002 04:18 PM

great work rage, I really appreciate you around the board!! thank you

ragecgi 14-12-2002 04:23 AM

Thanks Kev!

And thanks for the icon Nitro!!!!!

Speedy 19-12-2002 02:41 PM

Hey guys, I have been watching this thread alot. I decided to experiment with a couple of expressions and particles, and I madw a scene with the matrix bullet effects. I didn't want to spend to much time on it at all because I have been really busy with this mo's challege. :) :) However, I do have a rough animation rendered, There are some slight problems with my particles, but I have fixed them, (you can see the first trail change style halfway thru). If you are interested I can post my test animation, If you like the way it looks, I can also post the Expression That I scene that I used for the bullet trail. Let me know if you are intersted,

NitroLiq 19-12-2002 02:43 PM

Brian, would love to check it out. Post away.

Speedy 19-12-2002 02:45 PM

Allrighty I will in a few, I am rendering my FIRE! right now, (takes for ever) then I will zip the avi and post it. Thanks,

Speedy 19-12-2002 03:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ask and you shall recieve, again this was just a quick test of the shader/particles, I have fixed the problem of the trail from snaping like it did in the first trail. I used a different expression on the first trail then I did on the others, but I like that one more, If I turned down the Threshold, it looks alittle better, to composite it in a real scene, all you have to do is a hardware render, and create a displacement in AfterEffects, Witch is what I am going to do when I show My Republican Gunship shooting at the Harrier, in that animation. Thanks,

I used DIVX to compress it.

NitroLiq 19-12-2002 03:16 PM

Nice work Brian but one thing I noticed is that the trails seem to last too long and don't dissipate (decay) so towards the end it looks kinda strange to me (maybe because there is no camera cut). The effect and animation is dead on though. ;)

ragecgi 19-12-2002 04:42 PM

I'll take a look see tonight after I see Lord of the Rings with my girl:)

Could you post the expressions for us, and maybe a description of what they do, and why you chose to use them?


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