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Search: Posts Made By: colorado
Posted By colorado On 14-03-2007 | Views: 2,057 Replies: 2
componet editor is easier you can just set everything to 0 exept where you and it to deform.then you just set it to he said it is EXTREAMLY to name your will save you alot of...
Posted By colorado On 14-03-2007 | Views: 3,273 Replies: 10
do not use the booleans tool.exspecialy if your new.this tool is nothing but you see where you got the arm into the body turn on wireframe on shaded cut along the body around the arms...
Posted By colorado On 02-03-2007 | Views: 1,286 Replies: 3
start with something easy mostly to build up your self asteem.if you try to go for something hard and dont achieve it you can be disapointed and alot of new people to maya make that mistake i know i...
Posted By colorado On 17-02-2007 | Views: 9,933 Replies: 15
best advice i can give is do not use will do twice as much work to fix it after.its not worth it.youl be a better modeler for it.dont rely on shortcuts.
Posted By colorado On 17-02-2007 | Views: 1,330 Replies: 2
to paint skin weights use the component editor rather than the brush youll get better results.practice...
Posted By colorado On 16-02-2007 | Views: 2,249 Replies: 2
mostly has to do with prefrence but most modelers myself included use polys or atleast to start.exspecially human features such as the face and body.then you can convert it to a sub d.most common way...
Posted By colorado On 05-02-2007 | Views: 3,206 Replies: 8
under your render globals theres a box up near the top that says something like file#frame(im not near my comp) change that to the second or third one down both will work.if you dont change that...
Posted By colorado On 04-02-2007 | Views: 1,233 Replies: 1
im sorry to say its hard to tell what your asking.if they were supposed to line up and there not after you duplicate go into your channelbox click on duplicate and scroll down.i believe its called...
Posted By colorado On 02-02-2007 | Views: 2,999 Replies: 7
you dont have to set a key per each them all at once and set one key for all the joints together so you only have one key not key is cool you just have to learn how to...
Posted By colorado On 01-02-2007 | Views: 2,999 Replies: 7
you have to go into your outliner and selest all the joints and set a key for them cannot select them all in a viewport it doesent work that on your first frame open your outliner...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 73