Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 11-05-2011 , 11:59 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 594

why don't studios like me :(

It's 2011 as you guy are well aware, my goal this year is the land a studio job, but alas to no avail have I yet managed it,

Now get this, I actually did land a temp job and the peple liked my work and everything, but they wanted me to come in and start the very next day, now wheres the problem in that you ask,

well the job was in Cambridge, and well I live quite some distance away, (4.5 hours away by train)
and on top of that I had an open day a Blitz game studis to attend, the day they wanted me to come in and start work for them,

the thing about the blitz open day is, they dont just let anyone in they select from the applicants whom are qualified to attend, and I didn't want to miss out on this opportunity, becasue I applied twice previously and didn't get accepted, and thought at least this way I could let them know I exist,

so I told the lady for that Cambridge job if I could start on monday to which she replyed it would be fine, this would give me the weekend to get all my stuff ready, and

anyway, I attended the Blitz openday and this Is where things go south, the guys at Blitz told us that we had to turn our phones off, And like a good trooper I did just that, little did I know the the Cambridge people would call, and I would end up missing the the call and in turn lose the job,

this all happend like 3 months back,

So I thought I better get cracking on a new showreel and bump up my skills,

now I ask, why is it that studios are unwilling to even give me a chance, I mean I'm Not a rookie, I have some experience,

here's an email I got recently

"At present I am afraid that your work is not at the level that my studios currently require.
I need your samples to be at least a top end PS2 / Xbox level. ( ie God of War 2 / Fable)
I would suggest that you develop your folio further now and hopefully a more suitable role will arise soon".

alot of the email have been like this,

here's my portfolio

I like to think that my work is pretty decent, well above ps2 standerds, it's like these studio people are trying to say, that my works crap or something,

I'm working my backside off, putting in 4-5 hours daily, 7 days a weeks of maya and zbrush work,

I'm just sick and tired of getting either, ripped off by small companies or getting kicked in the teeth by the other companies,

I know some of the guys here, have studios jobs so please guys help a fellow simplymaya user out, because I dont no what else to do,

thats my rant over, sorry

# 2 11-05-2011 , 12:55 PM
daverave's Avatar
The thin red line
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I think the email said it all, with so few jobs out there at the moment comanys can pick and choose, the question you need to ask your self is how can you improve your portfolio. Maybe CGsociaty challenge?.........dave

Avatar Challenge Winner 2010

Last edited by daverave; 11-05-2011 at 03:22 PM.
# 3 11-05-2011 , 01:02 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 594

I think the email said it all, with so few jobs out there at the moment comanys can pick and chose, the question you need to ask your self is how can you improve your portfolio. Mybe CGsociaty challenge?.........dave

Thanks for replying,

i'm applying every where man, games animation and whater ever other studios are ou there,

everytime I do a new 3d piece I try to do something different my last few works have been based on atual people, with athletic bodies so I thought i'd do a stylised character and try working on cloth sculpting,

my next work will go beyound what i'm working on right now,

here what i'm working on right now

Attached Thumbnails
# 4 11-05-2011 , 01:24 PM
honestdom's Avatar
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wish i could help man, but i have no idea how games companies work...

i like your work. some of the textures look a little odd tho. the fighter for example has 4 different flesh tones and some obvious texture seams. I think you should iron these out.
In your new piece i would say the area in the front, bottom, left of the shirt is weird. It looks like he has something hidden under his shirt.

# 5 11-05-2011 , 02:05 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 594

wish i could help man, but i have no idea how games companies work...

i like your work. some of the textures look a little odd tho. the fighter for example has 4 different flesh tones and some obvious texture seams. I think you should iron these out.
In your new piece i would say the area in the front, bottom, left of the shirt is weird. It looks like he has something hidden under his shirt.


not quite sure what area you mean, could you maybe if you have time do a paint over to show me what needs to be done to improve it,

# 6 11-05-2011 , 03:39 PM
mtmckinley's Avatar
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To try to be brutally honest, while you definitely have talent and I can see it happening for you if you keep it up, your current work isn't there yet, at least as far as characters go. I think the main thing you'd want to work on is textures first and modeling second. Just take a look at some of the work that's out there and on the shelves.

To use your MMA fighter as an example, since an MMA game just came out recently, take a look at this guy:

user added image

I'd say keep pushing yourself and try to match or surpass the work you see others doing.

Me personally, I'm an environment/prop artist so I don't know much about character art to really give you any specifics. But I do think texturing is the main area I would recommend you work on improving. It's something that I'm constantly trying to get better at as well.

# 7 11-05-2011 , 03:48 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 594

To try to be brutally honest, while you definitely have talent and I can see it happening for you if you keep it up, your current work isn't there yet, at least as far as characters go. I think the main thing you'd want to work on is textures first and modeling second. Just take a look at some of the work that's out there and on the shelves.

To use your MMA fighter as an example, since an MMA game just came out recently, take a look at this guy:

user added image

I'd say keep pushing yourself and try to match or surpass the work you see others doing.

Me personally, I'm an environment/prop artist so I don't know much about character art to really give you any specifics. But I do think texturing is the main area I would recommend you work on improving. It's something that I'm constantly trying to get better at as well.

thanks mike,

it means alot coming from you, as I know how hard you had to work to get where you are today,

I will work on my texturing, and hopefuly I will be able to have my own biography just like the one you're writing write now,

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