Maya 2020 fundamentals - modelling the real world
Get halfway through a model and find it's an unworkable mess? Can't add edge loops where you need them? Can't subdivide a mesh properly? If any of this sounds familiar check this course out.
# 1 28-11-2002 , 09:44 AM
septentrio's Avatar
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Location: Dunkerque, Flanders, France
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Customizing maya


How do you customize maya for exemple to add a mirror_x, mirror_y and mirror_z script in the contextual menu (when you click the right mousebutton ), which is very, very handy...


Today man, tomorrow bird...i already have the plumage
# 2 28-11-2002 , 02:34 PM
SM Alumni
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 509
See the documentation on creating Marking Menus. It's covered in the Essentials book. Basically you will want to create mel script for the actions. You do this by doing a mirror x for example, then copying that part of the script editor. Then you can access it for making your own Marking Menu user added image


Red bellows of flame have blackened my stones
Convulsing my frame and cracking my bones
Hell's dragons of steel who roar in their chains
Crawl into my caves to suck out my veins.....

-The Mountain P.F.M.
# 3 29-11-2002 , 02:27 AM
tariqrf's Avatar
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for example for creating a shortcut for -x mirror funtion,

open the script editor, and then type
"waitCursor -state on; polyMirror -1 0 0 on; waitCursor -state off;"(without the quotation<"> marks)
and then highlight the script(above) and then with your middle mouse button drag it to the you will se a new icon with "MEL" in the shelf...

how i got the script is pretty simply, i create an object and then i perform the function then i go to the script editor then i see the last function then i copy it... hope it helps...

Tariq user added image

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