Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 1 09-01-2012 , 12:40 AM
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Another SM Dad

On January the 6th, at 0052, I moved up from not having much responsibility at all, to being a father! So, naturally, soon as I could, I wanted to show him off user added image

His name's Jonathan, and was born by emergency C-section because he wouldn't move down toward the exit door.

Too tired to come up with anything clever to say about him, but I do have a rather serious question...

Because my girlfriend had to get an emergency C-section, I've been in hospital helping her take care of him and such, and been up for about 3 days straight now, she's getting some sleep at the moment, and when she is awake, can't do much because she's having a hard time dealing with the pain. I know a bunch of you guys/gals are parents, so I was wondering how y'all managed to wake up in time for the feedings/when the baby's crying/etc. I'm not to tired right now, but I have a feeling that if I were to lie down and try to rest at all I'd be out of action for quite some time... Any advice? I'm pretty damn worried about how easily it could all hit the fan, especially with my girlfriend in her condition (not that I'd blame her, or anything like that) Just worried out of my mind

P.S. Sorry for the big blurb of text, extremely exhausted and probably over-explaining things

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# 2 09-01-2012 , 01:55 AM
Perfecto's Avatar
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Is that a mental ray rendering or photgraph? user added image

Congratulations! And welcome to fatherhood

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# 3 09-01-2012 , 02:24 AM
NextDesign's Avatar
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Congratulations mate! Which hospital; Sunnybrook? I was born in (what was) Women's College.

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# 4 09-01-2012 , 02:24 AM
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Can't give you any practical advice as I'm not in the club, but I will offer my congratulations.

Take a deep breath. You'll be fine. Hopefully Bullet will be along in a bit to offer some advice I think he has about 400 kids running around somewhere user added image

All the best
Dave user added image

From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 5 09-01-2012 , 03:01 AM
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Hey congrats!! Well, I'm no father, but from what I've observed and heard... every new parent is dead exhausted, and yet the baby gets fed. I wouldn't worry too much about it, just get the sleep when you can.

# 6 09-01-2012 , 03:14 AM
cgisoul's Avatar
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I think you need to adjust the settings there and turn down the blurry mate and the backscatering lol. user added image

Welcome to Daddy's Club. I have one Daughter (7 years old now) and a Son (1 year and 8 months now).
Though only my Son is living with me, he is a blast! They do grow up fast. Prepare a lot of diapers and waking up 4 times during night time! They can eat almost every hour!!! hahaha

Congratulations mate. user added image

Last edited by cgisoul; 09-01-2012 at 03:18 AM.
# 7 09-01-2012 , 03:40 AM
joverall22's Avatar
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Congrats Acid. I am joining that club here in the next few days (Fingers Crossed) My wife has been having intermittent contractions over the last few days. I don't really have any advice but I am also going to be looking for some I am sure. user added image Keep in touch I sure you guys will be fine.

- Jake
# 8 09-01-2012 , 03:59 AM
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Also, cloth diapers are a blessing. (Says my Mom user added image)

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# 9 09-01-2012 , 09:59 AM
ben hobden's Avatar
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user added image acid man..... Congratulations. I too am not in 'the club', but I guess like anything new, it's a learning process....

Multi-alarm clocking is my suggestion. When I'm worried I won't wake.... Get several alarm clocks... Set em all on LOUD, within a few minutes of each other... And set to snooze and/repeat on all of em. If one don't wake ya, the next ones surely will.

# 10 09-01-2012 , 01:05 PM
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Congratulations Acid, as a father of 5 all I can say is calm down things will start comming together in another week your be making bottle like it was second nature.............good luck...........dave

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# 11 09-01-2012 , 05:11 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 139
Congrats! Not in the club, but I'd recommend catching 20min naps instead of having another coffee. If you're able to fall in deep sleep - your body will shut down all non-critical functions and just rest, you'll wake up feeling like after an 8h sleep. The time is the key here, anything above 30min doesn't work.

# 12 09-01-2012 , 07:19 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanks everyone ;D

My freaking out may have been a bit premature, he's been pretty easy to deal with so far, and my girlfriend is handling her pain a lot better than we both thought she would. I even managed to wake up every time he needed something last night, though that may have been easy, as I was sleeping on a hardwood floor (girlfriend's more comfortable on the couch that the bed user added image )

@ND - He was born at Centenary in Scarborough, and cloth diapers scare me. I have a hard enough time with the poo when I only have to see it for a few seconds, and it doesn't even smell yet user added image

@All the stuff about sleep and waking up in time - I've been just sleeping while he sleeps so far, thankfully he sleeps a lot, a scary amount, actually, but I've read a ton of articles that say it's normal for some babies to sleep almost all the time and just wake up to eat, be changed, etc.

Sorry I can't address everyone, my brain is working again, but my body is still exhausted, may edit later with more direct replies user added image

# 13 09-01-2012 , 09:28 PM
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# 14 09-01-2012 , 10:02 PM
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Congrats to you both and welcome to the little dude!!

My wife had a c-section too, same problem. I took my daughter home with me on the second day so my wife could rest. I just made sure everything was in check and started the routine of sleep and eat every few hours.

I have to say though we were very lucky as she slept very well, some babies don't for whatever reason. Classical music was a winner too...very calming for everyone. After 12 weeks we found we had to prod her in the night as she started sleeping thru...she did complain then because we had disturbed her. We had it easy after that. A very mellow little girl. And 15years later she still is. user added image just a bit taller lol.

(Yes Dave (Rutter) she is now in her 15th year lol...remember when she was 7!!!)

My advice is to rest when the little dude does...make the most of it. You all need to adjust to each other as its all new will happen....just be patient. The calmer you are the more likely it will rub off on Jonathon

thats the best I can give you mate...oh and enjoy it while you can because he'll grow up before you can blink!!

As David said...Bullet should be around with his tribe somewhere LOL ask him...old father time LOL


# 15 09-01-2012 , 10:16 PM
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Thanks Mike ;D

@Jay - Thanks man, and ha, I'm surprised Bullet hasn't been around yet, usually seems to come around once a day or so... Maybe he's busy with his city of children user added image

This little guy has been sleeping pretty much from when he adjusted to his new surroundings, till now (still sleeping), so we've had to wake him up for feedings and diaper changes and such. I think his longest stretch of being awake was about 6 hours, and that was this morning. Was worried about it at first, but after some reading around it seems a lot of newborns like to sleep a lot... Things are certainly feeling easier now though, sort of getting used to the idea that he can hold his own head up for a short time already, and that not everything is out to get him user added image

Still worried about bringing him in to the bedroom with me alone though, so this will probably be another night on the floor in front of the couch user added image

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