Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 76 03-08-2006 , 12:50 PM
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read it and weep, mate when you run out give me a hoy and i'll see what i can do, can't see a felloe ozzy with no vegemite...

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# 77 03-08-2006 , 12:56 PM
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How do we know that is a real jar of vegemite, it could be just a 3D image user added image

# 78 03-08-2006 , 01:20 PM
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which is the real thing, sorry, only good old ozzy baked beans this time...

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# 79 04-08-2006 , 04:00 AM
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mirek03 your a legend!....

looks like the aussies have taken over this thread...LOL

Lets actually make a vegemite jar in MAYA... looks like your vegemite was next to a mixing desk..are you a muso too?

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# 80 04-08-2006 , 05:29 AM
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muso too?? 40 years of it, thats all I'm good at actually, thats my life and the rest is just a hobby, including work, i consider everything other than music a hobby. it is the only way i don't take everything too seriously and stay sane.
everyone on this site is an artist so i imagine we all have similar dysfunctional behavior (as written in stone by our differing cultures and governments). I would guess most of us are over sensitive at times, and this is how i handle that, by considering EVERYTHING other than music simply a hobby.

are you a muso too? i imagine so or you wouldn't ask, what do you play?

a 3D vegemite Jar?? I propose a challenge, ; THE THREE D VEGEMITE JAR, umm, i think the aussies have the advantage here lol

take it easy and life will be easy

Last edited by mirek03; 04-08-2006 at 05:49 AM.
# 81 04-08-2006 , 07:32 AM
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I'd give that a go, I cant stand the stuff though. It is too salty. I havnt had any in about a year but there always seems to be a jar of it in the cuboard.

And for you information i am not really a city slicker user added image I lived on a farm for a few years (Two to be exact).
Granted there were no animals and it has now turned into a winery but it was still a farm.

Edit: Just tasted some vegemite then. It isnt as bad as i remember it was

"If Less is more then think how much more more would be..."

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Last edited by Some Guy; 04-08-2006 at 07:34 AM.
# 82 04-08-2006 , 09:59 AM
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YOU CITY SLICKER YOU, user added image
ok your on, vegemite at ten paces. user added image

see you at dawn user added image

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# 83 04-08-2006 , 11:13 AM
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hahhah vegemite ..too funny

some guy ..if i was on a farm and turned winery i dont think i would be too upset lol user added image

# 84 04-08-2006 , 01:45 PM
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Yeah but we got kicked out :bandit:

Mirek: Workin on it now...

"If Less is more then think how much more more would be..."

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# 85 04-08-2006 , 03:06 PM
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hey traindog,

I tried marmite, not sure if that's anything like vegimite, but it was disgustinguser added image
Do you like korean food? Has kim chi burned a hole in your throat yet?

# 86 04-08-2006 , 06:51 PM
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mirek....Yeah i'm a guitar player...been doin it for about 16 years...Toured most of Aus.....great life not good for the liver if you know what i mean..user added image But its in my blood I guess..(the music that is!) Ive tried to get away from it (yes its true..Burned out a bit) but it keeps comin back...I'm lucky to have found a kick arse band over here in Korea...we seemed to have taken the place by storm....just me and three american boys tearin it up...........
Took a while to get used to playin with the yanks ..(no offence to the americans..hehe) and we will be going to the states early next year...But i know what you mean about this community...all crazy artist its very cool.

mirek, you gotta a site where i can here some of your stuff? 40 years?? man thats awsome....a true muso..rock on bro..

you can also check my bands website HERE

farbtopf : yeah it took me about a year to get used to Kimchi!!! haha...spicy stuff there mate...but i eat it almost everyday now...I really do love there food here now..there bbq beef is friggin awesome..But i still cant believe how hot the chicks are hereuser added image ...will be sad to leave.

anyway, loving this site and community...Maya is a great place for me to kick back from the loudness of rock and enter the quite artist place in my mind.....

user added image

Sometimes you eat the bear...Sometimes the bear eats you...
Either way...shit happens

Last edited by traindog; 04-08-2006 at 06:55 PM.
# 87 05-08-2006 , 06:02 AM
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yea, not good for the liver, and thats if your lucky..?? it can be worse as i found out and subsequently sent my career into a spiral downward which is just starting to spiral upward at a pace I'm not too sure of, a lot of movies to write music for suddenly. I think I'd be dead without music, i think it has a passion and a connection with the great beyond, and i mean beyond. No site my friend, i just managed to figure how to use mSN lol. I can send you some of the movies as they are made but it seems movie makers demand the music NEXT WEEK which is weird because i don't get to see the product until 6 months later.
I'm using cubase, little time to write songs these days but only sounds capes, 'feel' rather than songs, trying to draw emotion with sound, trying to use primal sound to create a response,eg, the sound of a heavy thumping rhythm could remind the mind of danger via primal memory, you know the heavy fall of T-Rex's feet as they hit the ground in a rhythm that the cellular memory might remember. I;m serious if you think i am joking, i am not. so mainly mate that is (at the moment) what i do (though i did leave school at 15 to join a rock band so i know what you mean, i was in many more after that, no time now) .., and a meltdown destroyed what songs i did do (for my mother) because i tend to ditch everything as simply sketches which is something i have been told NOT to do lol). we'll keep in touch on this. sounds like your kicking arse there mate. my wife is in Japan and i had thought about going there to teach English when i get my degree and checking out the anime, the lifestyle and making some sort of movie there, and starting a band because i imagine the western boys would have an advantage in Asia. i was in a band in Bali, but Bali being Bali they couldn't pay us cash so they paid us in booze ?? so yes, they liver??poor soul.

great web site you have, looking very cool my friend, looks like a great bunch to work with. watch that liver.

I still get lessons because i believe one can never stop learning. I also need it to keep my mind focused in this area as all else i am doing revolves around it. It is my main area of interest

As for the Vegemite, haven't started that yet, but will. I am in the middle of the war in Bosnia at the moment with a Dalmatian and a girl in a red coat, one helped the other survive. (its a script)

anyway, vegemite at ten paces. user added image

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# 88 05-08-2006 , 08:35 AM
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g'day. owzitgoin'??

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# 89 06-08-2006 , 12:26 AM
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I've been on SM for a while now and just noticed this thread! For the record, I was born in Queens, New York City. I presently live in Queens, New York City. I sometimes feel like I'm one of the few New Yorkers I know who was actually BORN there!

I had no idea so many of you were from all over the globe!

Anyway, what I don't get is that Kraft apparently makes Vegemite. WHY don't they sell it in the USA? To this day, I've never tried it. How does it taste? :-)

Carry on!

"Ad astra per aspera..."
# 90 06-08-2006 , 12:49 AM
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it might sound strange but i have never met anyone outside of Australia who can eat it, and thats the truth. some of the other guys may have but i never have; which may explain why they dont sell it over anywhere else. it is yeast based and vey salty and you must spread it thin and i think that might be the problem, i think a lot of people who try it from another country dont know the required dose, so to speak, when you eat it. its a bit like salty sump oil.

new youk new york, i'd love to see that. user added image

take it easy and life will be easy
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