Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 76 26-02-2006 , 05:36 PM
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OMG matt that was funny ..spiderman hahha

# 77 26-02-2006 , 09:16 PM
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for clarity and being suddenly pedantic, the wave story from japan went like this;

japanese call a typhoon.., sounds like.., ty-hoon

they call those big killer waves. tidal waves.., tsuanami

and the winds that made the wave that killed the mongols that buried the cat that ate the ball that.., sorry carried away. your correct it is the winds that are called 'kamikaze', not the wave; but refers to a single event hundreds of years ago. Important for the japanese because their blood line has remained 'pure' (sounds a bit scary but...) because of this event.

so, back to spiderman jokes, too early im the morning to think of about; what does a christmas tree and an old man have in common?

no roots and the balls are for decoration.

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# 78 27-02-2006 , 12:21 AM
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man.....matt is a real joker...funny stuff he's got there. for spiderman jokes, how will the bad guy (from what i know, the bad guys name is sandman) in spiderman 3 get his powers, now if your are sidekick you can tell us.....hehe. but how can a person become sandman. you cant really kill sand ......or can you????? can you think of sumthing smart for us to laugh at....harharhar

spiderman 3 might be totally gay. but at the same time there might be more fighting to make it better. and more cliches to make it dull and boring.

as far as an old man and christmas tree similarites i have no clue.

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# 79 27-02-2006 , 12:27 AM
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ooh, ohhh, i know! kill a man, who is eating sand!

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# 80 27-02-2006 , 12:37 AM
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Sand man...

Well think of it this way: when you use a power sander to make wood smoother, you are "killing" the sand.

So if you replace the power sander motor with a 7.5 liter, 350 horspower Chevy Roadblock Engine, and the unsuspecting victim doesnt notice, when he turns on the sander (which has a 700 pound attatchment to it) the sandpaper band will smack the guy in the head and he will die, 30 minutes later on his way to the hospital (im sure, its not really 30 mins... more like 28 and 24 seconds)

That way you killed a man who was killing sand:

But that brings up a paradox:

Does that make the man you just killed sand in the afterlife? He was killing sand when you killed him, soo, and by adding the motor you killed sand too....

Will he become sand in the afterlife?

What if you take a medicine like Tylenol?

Does that mean that, you, who are killing germs and at the same time, stomach and liver cells, which means you are killing germs and yourself at the same time,

would that make you a suicidual bacteria in the afterlife?

Is this even possible user added image

This is a major world issue guys, I dont know about you, but I'd rather not become a suicidual bacteria in the afterlife.


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# 81 27-02-2006 , 12:50 AM
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# 82 27-02-2006 , 09:03 AM
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all this stuff about reincarnation is too deep me, pretty impressive stuff and a lots of laughs.., eerr how old are you guys?? I'm wondering, did you get pushed around at school or something?
I mean, is there a problem here??

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# 83 27-02-2006 , 09:52 AM
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that is the wierdest method of sand use i have ever heard of
so how did that guy turn into sandman. he only ended up killing himself. hahaha. you have to hire a ummmmmm...martial artist to kill at the exact time (to smack the guy in the face the sandpaper will have to hit the guy at 266 mph) cause if he's dead he cant get his powers, if he's alive he wont get it either, the sandpaper didnt hit the guy yet.
i think i know a better way off becoming sandman. when you see some construction workers building a house, some of the workers will have cement to build it with. force one of them the eat or drink 2 litters of it. after that all you have to do after he's eaten it is kill him to be sandman. evil.

speaking of workers, i wanna show everyone my new invention (some might have heard of that will make me the richest teen on planet earth. i will save so much money for the utility companies, simplymaya points, highway department, and the military. and all i want is 10 percent of the savings. i will be the richest kid ever.

i have invented a shovel that will stand up by ITSELF!!

just walk by a construction yard, you'll see what i mean..everyone can use one of these
now you dont have too pay those guys to lean on it anymore

btw im 14....turning 15 really soon. and i dont get bullied at school.

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A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!

Last edited by 13th_resident; 28-02-2006 at 07:36 PM.
# 84 27-02-2006 , 10:19 AM
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btw im 14....turning 15 really soon. and i dont get bullied at school.

OK, now I understand. glad to hear you don't get bullied. I'm turning 49 real soon, march 8th, I was too tall to get bullied, I bluffed my way through, probably could have knocked me over with a feather.

you can see by the grey, it's a give away everytime, shucks!

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# 85 27-02-2006 , 11:39 AM
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Im 21 turning 22 (March the 19th) and I got a little bullied, there were people who got it worse than me.

I think it's made me stronger in some ways.

Starting to sould like the AA now. user added image

"You can live for yourself today -- or help build tomorrow for everyone" _LIVID

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# 86 27-02-2006 , 05:55 PM
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Originally posted by 13th_resident
that is the wierdest method of sand use i have ever heard off
so how did that guy turn into sandman. he only ended up killing himself. hahaha. you have to hire a ummmmmm...martial artist to kill at the exact time (to smack the guy in the face the sandpaper will have to hit the guy at 266 mph) cause if he's dead he cant get his powers, if he's alive he wont get it either, the sandpaper didnt hit the guy yet.
i think i know a better way off becoming sandman. when you see some workers building a house, some of the workers will have cement to build it with. tell one of them the eat or drink 2 litters of it. after that all you have to do after he's eaten it is kill him to be sandman. evil.

speaking of workers, i wanna show everyone my new invention (some might have heard of that will make me the richest teen on earth. i will save so much money for the utility companies, simplymaya points my grandparents, and the military. and all i want is 10 percent of the savings. i will be the richest kid ever.

i have invented a shovel that will stand up by ITSELF!!

just walk by a construction yard, you'll see what i mean..everyone can use one of these

btw im 14....turning 15 really soon. and i dont get bullied at school.

haha man this made me laugh. My friend and I thought of this one day in the backyard while we were working out. I was playing with a shovel that we had standing against the fence and out of no where he was like "I have a great invention, I will invent a shovel that stand one day and make millions." I told him BS, it's more painful setting it to stand then it is to drop it" I didn't realize I was going to hear about this here

Anyhow I'm not really a relationship type so I tend to not stay with anyone for long before I go about with my own business. But I do have a friend that moved away down SoCal which I do care about. We visit eachother quite often and are very very close. Use to be together but she moved away for a job a year ago. We didn't really break up but we both know it wouldn't work, but we kept it open so that if it's meant to be then its meant to be. If not, then fine with me. user added image I'm 24 going on 25 and no one bullies me. I'm not tall, but I'm pretty big. I did sansho and boxed professionally 1 year.(2 fights). Right now I help coach basics and run conditioning drills. If you guys ever heard of Cung Le, he's the headcoach there at the school and will be fighting his first MMA fight coming March 10th. So....if you guys never seen him fight before, check him out! On the same night it will be the return fight of Frank Shamrock vs. Cesar Gracie here at california's first ever MMA event. Let me tell you something though, if you think Frankie is great standing up, Cung Le tosses him around there, but vice versa on the ground. user added image

# 87 27-02-2006 , 06:56 PM
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cool you do boxing. my older bro did some before. not professionally though. i know nothing about boxing and personally i dont care. the only guy i know is Mohammed ali.
when you say "im not tall" does that mean your 5 foot 8 or taller. so do you take steroids??? hehe.

this is some interesting thread. first it started of by saying if maya gets in the way of relationships. then a little of dating. then geekism. so strange. then back to relationships. never thought the read will get this far. than of course the japanese spirits and the kamikaze. then the recarnation jokes. thanx to matt for his jokes... this is one of my favorite threads of all time. kewl.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!

Last edited by 13th_resident; 27-02-2006 at 07:39 PM.
# 88 27-02-2006 , 09:44 PM
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I gotta agree with our friend the thirteen resident, this is one of the most twisted threads;
sounding like AA, now THAT did crack me up. How about a thread..

I'm mirek and I'm a Maya addict.., it all stated when a friend came around and said try some Maya. I didn't want to at first but he kept saying, 'hey man it's cool..' so I thought 'why not,' I can control it, then it wasn't long and I was hooked. I spent all my money on computers and all my time constructing nurbs and polys. My family threw me onto the street but I took my computer with me, I didn't care about them, all I could think of was Maya..ect I couldn't get a girlfriend because I couldn't leave the computer. I was really hooked. Now I'm 5 days clean, but i still think of Maya all the time. I'm glad to be in this rehab and hope my future is a good one..,

god grant me the brains to do a good texture, courage to convert to polys and except the nurbs I can not change.
A moments silence for the Maya addict still suffering (without a girlfriend)...

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# 89 27-02-2006 , 09:47 PM
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interesting we are (most on this thread) Pisces, they say the fish is a dreamer..., artist type (and seriously lacking in girlfriends due to being shy and taking too many mind altering substances and I guess maya is a mind alltering substance.)

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# 90 27-02-2006 , 10:12 PM
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ohh, how many pisces are they in this thread?
im a gemini. im not what ppl expect me to be, i act differently then i should. and i dont have a twin bro or sis.

so where's matt user added image i want to hear a few more of his jokes. unless he has already ran out of juice.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
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