Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 02-07-2015 , 07:22 PM
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Mesh skewing from bone rotation

Okay so I finished painting skin weights on my model but realized that when I rotate my bones, some of them skew the mesh horribly. I'd guessing this is because some of the joints have their red lines NOT pointing at their parent joint which is the bone orientation, correct? I'm not sure how to fix this though... my bones are all pretty close to where they should be so is there a way to fix orientation without moving/redrawing them?

Sorry, I'm pretty new with Maya and trying to figure it out myself but I'm not sure how to find the info I'm looking for, my google searches could only get me this far.

# 2 03-07-2015 , 03:44 PM
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Select the joint go to transform display -> local rotation axis. When you have a LRA showing go into select by component type make sure you have select miscellaneous components selected and you have LRA checked under miscellaneous components. Then select the LRA and rotate.

That will do it. It you can't work it out just let me know i can record a short video.

From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 3 03-07-2015 , 07:06 PM
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Awesome, thanks for teaching me about this, only problem is I'm doing it wrong. I've looked up what you said and it seems exactly what I need, it should reorient the LRA without having to detach the skin, correct?

Well, this is what I'm doing: I select joint then turn display LRA and works so far. I go into vertice mode (its what you meant by component right, any of the component modes?) but my joint is still selected. I selected it again to be safe and try to reorient but it moves the entire bone with it. I found the "?" symbol to turn on "LRA checked under miscellaneous components" as well. Apparently someone else had the same problem but was able to figure it out faster than me lol:

I just noticed that the end joint of the stretched limb is stretched to an oval. I think I must have grabbed a joint and moved it which really ended up scaling it as I repositioned it, or scaled out of proportion.

If I end up having to detach the skin to fix the problem I've already ran into another one:
Whenever I export/import skin weights, the results are terrible. I've read that this has to do with overlapping UVs but my model is multiple meshes combined into one, each limb has a different texture. When I view the UVs of them as 1 mesh, they're overlapping since its showing me all of the objects. So not sure how to get my skin imported properly.

# 4 03-07-2015 , 07:29 PM
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Ok try this

This should save you from the problem of detaching and reattaching the weight. Also if you need to move a bone use the move skinned joints tool under the skin menu. Don't just grab them and move them as this will probably lead to problems.

David user added image

From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 5 04-07-2015 , 03:50 AM
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Wow thanks for the help, I'm really grateful that you took the time to even make a video! You really helped me out here, seriously, THANK YOU!

Unfortunately rotating the LRA's didn't work, but I was able to narrow the problem down to a parent bone getting scaled along the X axis, some of the children bones were influenced much more by this apparently, which is why I only noticed a couple. I fixed the scale but now the joints are not where I want them. What's the best way to move them around while keeping "X" axis pointing at child?
See, I started with a skeleton from a character mesh that had taller proportions and now I'm trying to refit it to rig to a shorter and more stout character.

Is the best method of rigging this character just by rotating the LRA of each joint and then moving it along the "X" axis if I want to lengthen/shorten any of the bones?

# 6 04-07-2015 , 10:09 AM
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Use the move skinned joints tool, this of course may result in having to reorient the joints. You can also move joints by selecting them and using the insert key this will then move just the joint and not the entire hierarchy.

Good luck

From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
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