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Search: Posts Made By: NeoStrider
Posted By NeoStrider On 31-12-2024 | Views: 2,970 Replies: 10
I dunno about shut down, but this is my first time on this site in like a decade or so and it definitely seems full of spam comments and no real news updates on the main site since what, 2022?
Posted By NeoStrider On 15-09-2010 | Views: 4,992 Replies: 3
have you tried grouping the whole set and then duplicating with an x scale of -1?
Posted By NeoStrider On 18-12-2008 | Views: 10,324 Replies: 56
yea that's totally a WAY better staff... =D
Posted By NeoStrider On 18-12-2008 | Views: 2,224 Replies: 2
Forum: Maya Modeling
how does it look when you render it? a lot of times nurbs objects look really screwed up in the viewport, and it's not a graphics card problem, it's a preview tesselation problem... so if it looks...
Posted By NeoStrider On 09-12-2008 | Views: 4,233 Replies: 23
well there was back in the day when maya would only run on unix computers (so we just had a lab full of SGI workstations)... i don't think windows could run it til 3.0 - can't remember what version,...
Posted By NeoStrider On 09-12-2008 | Views: 5,629 Replies: 13
great improvement... nice job.
Posted By NeoStrider On 09-12-2008 | Views: 3,858 Replies: 10
Forum: Finished Work
if you were focusing on the tires, i think i'd render... just the tires. screw the car, you wanna see how the tires look and the car just covers the tires and increases your render times.
Posted By NeoStrider On 04-12-2008 | Views: 4,220 Replies: 3
Forum: Finished Work
problem is, posing a lego character in a pose the actual toy can't make looks weird. (talkin about the leg moving to the side...)
Posted By NeoStrider On 04-12-2008 | Views: 6,482 Replies: 31
i'm assuming since you're in a 3D class that it's only a quarter or a semester or so?

if your animation is going to be longer than a minute or two using all the multiple characters, speech,...
Posted By NeoStrider On 04-12-2008 | Views: 2,466 Replies: 3
you could create the text in 3d using nurbs or polys and then make the letters containers and fill them with fluids and animate 'em

how do you do that? i have no idea. i never bothered to learn...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 500