Digital humans the art of the digital double
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# 1 29-07-2007 , 04:26 PM
tweetytunes's Avatar
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Come on let me know what you think
(Quicktime - 20 meg)

Spent awhile putting this together as I have had to hunt down and re render a lot of the work in the modeling and digital sets sections of it.

(The music is a remix I did of the end theme from C.O.R "Dark Fury")

Just got to finish a few section of the website and I should be set to find a new cg job - as being jobless is killing me.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 29-07-2007 at 04:35 PM.
# 2 29-07-2007 , 06:14 PM
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Looks good man, some nice shots in there.

Are a couple of things from tut's (the robot mech thingie, not the transformer the other one and the jack in the box)?? Just that I, personally wouldent put things from a tutorial in my demo reel, also do a few things repeat themselves? like the spaceship and the boat? Just again i wouldent repeat my self in a demo, as its a little confusing. just my crit

Would hae been great to see your transformer, transforming in the animation section of the reel.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 3 29-07-2007 , 07:31 PM
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Cheers - quite proud of almost all my work in that reel (one or two things I would do differently in there but thats for me too know.

the boats and the vanships (spacecraft) are not repeats look at them again and you`l see they are different. I did have them next to each other but I found it made that sections they were in looked a bit too long

I`ll look in to what I can do about the tut stuff - its just I like them as they look good. The dreadnought was added last so should be easily removed.

More than transforming I wanted Grimlock to walk in dino mode as i think the robot mode suck (not my model but the toy)I could not work out how to rig Grimlock. Tried using parenting but ever time I rotated the body the mesh would deform - tried many times to rig that bad boy with no joy. He still is a w.i.p so I may have another attempt at rigging him, but for the show reel I had no time.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 29-07-2007 at 07:47 PM.
# 4 29-07-2007 , 08:16 PM
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Ahh right, was just watching it and thought it repeated, can see it now thoguth that its different.

I would get rid of the tutorial stuff as although it is your work in a way its not and probably wouldent look to good if a prospective employer picks up on it.

Good luck with the job hunting!

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 5 29-07-2007 , 08:37 PM
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Hi there,

I have to agree with what gster said, and I would get rid of the 2nd boat and spaceship, because a potential employer will very likely not watch a reel twice, and see them as repetitions. You have to spell things out for people sometimes, if you want to show that two similar models are different, why not make a closeup.
Also the typo bars at the top and bottom are not helping (I think) I'd say you want the models i.e. the viewable area to be in focus and as big as possible, anything around is distracting. I'd just put a small watermark in one of the bottom corners
And finally the music, well it's a matter of taste but it is kinda aggressive unless you know the musical taste of your potential employer I'd be careful with something like that.

good luck with you jobhunting
# 6 29-07-2007 , 08:57 PM
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First off all i want to say i like the things you've done.
There were a couple of things that i personally think needs improvement and/or change.
-music; the music is to dominant, and it is oriented at a certain taste of music.
The music also doesn't seem to fit in some parts of the showreel.
And i think that the combination of the forementioned things will be devastating for your reel.
-animation; when i looked at the clothsimulation i saw a lot off good animation. get rid off the clothsimulation-part, and add this part to the animation-part whilest, removing certain animations that aren't your best or just not as good as the others.
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# 7 29-07-2007 , 09:47 PM
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ok thx for the reply`s, a rejuggle is in effect

Originally posted by mastone

-animation; when i looked at the cloth simulation i saw a lot off good animation. get rid off the cloth simulation-part, and add this part to the animation-part whilest, removing certain animations that aren't your best or just not as good as the others.
KUTGWuser added image user added image

I did not do the animation within the cloth simulation part of the show reel thats why they are separated. I only setup and simulated the cloth.

The music is a tricky one. Most of the show reel is timed from it and would mean reediting the whole thing - something I really don`t want to do. Ironicly its not the sort of music I sit down and listen to normally. Every one else I have shown this too has loved the music. it some thing I`m going to have to think about.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 29-07-2007 at 10:18 PM.
# 8 29-07-2007 , 09:54 PM
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Personally the music dosent bother me in the slightest, if you dont like it the turn it down, simple, which is what a potential employer would probably do.

Music on a demo reel is always trickey as its personal taste at the end of the day, and most people looking at them arnt there to listen to the music but to looks at the work of a potential employee.

With the cloth sim section I personally would keep it as a sepperate section as its a speciality, not a general animation technique i.e keyframing etc etc, Its like if your very proficiant in dynamics/fluids etc you wouldent put these in with general animation as it might be the thing that gets you the job if the employers looking for someone with that knowlage, all about playing to your stregnths.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 9 29-07-2007 , 10:29 PM
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Oh, on a side note, it would be nice to have dialog to the parts with the speaking, but as some ofthem were form the film you were working on it mightnt be possible.

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 10 29-07-2007 , 11:59 PM
Posts: n/a
The reel looks really good, but the music doesn’t fit it. If you could find a song that matches the demo reel, I think that you’ll have no problem finding a job soon.

BTW, what does it say in Japanese at the starting? I recognize the Kana, but not the Kanji.
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# 11 30-07-2007 , 12:06 AM
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its surposed to be ravage in jap. I hope its correct as I can`t read it. Here is where i got it from ....

(Quicktime - 20 meg)

OK here is a tweaked version.

gone are the headers on the side and the top/bottom boarders are smaller.

The tut work has been removed and replaced with some close ups and a marble animation

Some sections were a bit dark and so levels have been tweaked

Reordered the models at the beginning to try and lose the feeling of repeating.

Sticking with the music for now. Will go though my vast collection and try and find something I like and if I do may have another go - but no promises.

Last edited by tweetytunes; 30-07-2007 at 12:27 AM.
# 12 30-07-2007 , 12:27 AM
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Not bad over all.

What do you want to do in the industry? You have a lot of different aspects in your reel which is good but at the same time not clear to a company what your best at or what you want to focus on... Looking at your work you seem to be the strongest in set design and cloth sims.

Few constructive things I would suggest:

You have a few models repeating which is unneeded and takes up time. Remeber most of the potential employeers want to pop it in and have something grab them right away. Repeating models might turn them off a bit. Try and aim for 2:30 min 3 at most as far as the length of your reel.

Lighting on the models... If you planing on getting a job modeling you really need to show the models as clear as you can, most of them are dark which hides a lot of the detail.

Wire frames, this is one of the most important aspects of modeling so people can see how your geometey is made and if it will flow and deform/move right with rigging.

Slow the turn table down a bit this will A) let you see the model more clearly and B) give time to show some wires.

The sets:

Very nice for the most part a few lighting issues with a couple, they are the strongest part of your reel


Would cut out a lot of the clips you have as some of the animation is slow and not eye grabbing.. the character on the couch and the bed would be good to cut.

Cloth sims:

Are again one of the strongest points in your reel. And their is a lot of work in the industry for that as well.

These are just some suggestion I have for you.. Great to see you working so hard... Getting a demo out is no easy task i just finished my new one as well.

GL on the job hunt as well


pS this was typed before you tweaked vershion

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 13 30-07-2007 , 12:51 AM
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thank you a lot of good tips there cheers.

One thing though - wire frames.

How the hell do you get them out of Maya as a render. (the biggest problem which I`m still shocked they have not fixed within maya - I`ve been using from version 4).

Everything I have seen on the net does not work and trying to pull them from play blasts looks crap. They look even worse when compressing them for the web. - it the reason none of my work ever has them.

The lighting on the sets was not done by me and I have no idea what I`m doing with lighting. I also don`t have the models anymore to tweak or re-render them (as they were all part of my old job)

Last edited by tweetytunes; 30-07-2007 at 12:53 AM.
# 14 30-07-2007 , 01:00 AM
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I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 15 30-07-2007 , 06:33 AM
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thx for the link

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