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# 1 02-09-2006 , 03:58 PM
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RIP Steve Irwin ( The Croc Hunder )

Don't know if anyone has heard the news latley. Steve Irwin ( The Croc Hunter ) died earlier today while filming an underwater documentary. He has stabbed in the chest by a Sting Ray.

My personal thoughts on this was that his death was eventually going to happen sooner or later. I really thought he would have been killed by a Croc or some other violent animal. I hope this incodent will force other people who are in the same game to take more caution and care before going near a potentialy deadly animal.

# 2 02-09-2006 , 07:17 PM
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As entertaining as the man was and admittedly I visitied his zoo etc, I think the man should have grew up long before now and stopped playing the bravado and realise that his stupid antics could and ulitmately have affected his role as a father and husband. My grievances go out to his wife and children that he ignorantly left behind. Just my opinion, I think your whole outlook on life would change when you have children and wife that depend on you.

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# 3 02-09-2006 , 07:54 PM
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Comments above are uncalled for...

Steve Irwin did more for Australia and World Conservation than Captain Cook.

He is a sad loss to the world, may he rest in peace. My thoughts are with Terry, Bindi and his Dad.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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# 4 02-09-2006 , 08:32 PM
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His death really shocked everybody over here.
The amazing thing was that the species of stingray that killed him rarley ever attacks people at all. This is like the thrid or fourth documented death from them. It is strange that he was killed by a less agressive animal than something like a snake or croc.

I dont agree with j5ive's opinion. His line of work and what he did were hardly 'stupid antics'. He was a highly profesional person and loved what he did. His enthusiasm for his job did heaps for Australias tourism and he unfourtunatley died doing what he loved.

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# 5 02-09-2006 , 08:33 PM
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Origionally quoted by R@nSiD:

Comments above are uncalled for...

Steve Irwin did more for Australia and World Conservation than Captain Cook.

He is a sad loss to the world, may he rest in peace. My thoughts are with Terry, Bindi and his Dad.

My heart goes out to the family also, and as much as he may have did for Austrailia and World conservation, there is no reward for stupidity, especially with an animal that can be deadly.I have seen him on many occasions jump in the face of death just to proove how brave he can by wrestling a deadly animal and then shove the animals face in the camera and say "Crikey Look at the size if this things teeth" or something to that fact. Those animals don't know that he mean't no harm. They act on instinct. If they feel threatened they will defend them selves. He pretty much proved his sanity to the world during the baby dangling incident with that Croc.

It's sad to see his children are going to grow up only to have documentary footage to remember him by. In closing, all I have to say is "CRIKEY" user added image

# 6 02-09-2006 , 10:01 PM
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Originally posted by THX1138

He pretty much proved his sanity to the world during the baby dangling incident with that Croc.


That incident was over-exagurated. He knew what he was doing and didn't put the baby in danger. It looked like he was dangling the baby over the crocks mouth from the camera angle but if you look at other fottage you can see that he is holding the baby away from it.

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# 7 02-09-2006 , 10:09 PM
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Are you for real? There is never a reason plausable for holding a baby anywhere near any potentially dangerous animal. NEVER.

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# 8 02-09-2006 , 10:10 PM
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Uh oH, Here comes the Michael Jackson debate all over again...

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# 9 02-09-2006 , 10:12 PM
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LOL @ Ransid. Anyway thats the last I'll say on this as I've said what I feel, and this is a thread the commemorate the guy and not ridicule him, so R.I.P Steve.

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# 10 02-09-2006 , 11:28 PM
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Origionally quoted by Some Guy:

That incident was over-exagurated. He knew what he was doing and didn't put the baby in danger. It looked like he was dangling the baby over the crocks mouth from the camera angle but if you look at other fottage you can see that he is holding the baby away from it.

Ok, we all know that Jacko is a wacko but take a look at this pic. Can you spot the danger here? Would you do this to a baby? Does this look like a sane act? That crock got as close a 3 feet away from that baby at one point. What if steve tripped and fell and dropped the baby. No one can predict accidents as with the case in Steve's death. The same could have happened with the Jacko baby. In my opinion, one should never put an infant in harms way no matter how safe one might think the situation is. Accidents can and will happen at the most unsuspecting moments.

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Last edited by THX1138; 02-09-2006 at 11:32 PM.
# 11 03-09-2006 , 03:43 AM
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dude u shouldnt argue these points

thebaby is in as much danger as wen u take them out in a pushchair - u push the baby first into the road without consideration potentially evry thingis dangerous

i feel saddened by his death an the fack that now after his death u r critsising his life choices

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# 12 03-09-2006 , 08:33 AM
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Origionally posted by pbman:

The baby is in as much danger as when you take them out in a pushchair, you push the baby first into the road without consideration, potentially every thing is dangerous

Shure, there are inherent risks in every moment of our lives as with example you stated. But when there is no consideration for what might happen, then you fall victom to your own arrogance. Sometimes you just cant prepare for and predict things, like a car crashing into a house and killing someone in their sleep, or a stray bullet zipping through a window and hitting someone in the head. Those kind of things are just un predictable. But for the things that are predictable, people should use better sence.

As much as I respect Steve Irwin's job prefession, I cant help but criticize SOME of his life choices. His actions defined his character, and the way I saw him, he was definitely on the wild side.

My argument here is valid. My apologies to you if it offends.

# 13 03-09-2006 , 11:29 AM
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Dude..Let the man rest in peace.. HE spent his entire life working fo rthe good of wildlife..somethgin most peopel could give a flying f*ck about.. HE did many good things the world over..And i guarentee, i learned alot more form his in your face method of makign documentaries, then i ever did watchign two lions hump each other on National Geographic, or some BBS documentary..

It truly saddens me, to hear, people Disrespect this man, Mistakes he may have made or no, After his death...And i never see any thing of disgust with the people strapping bombs to themselves, and killign school kids.. ..

PErhaps, those of you who would Talk about Steve in a disrespecting tone, after his death.. Should sit back and think about who the true sh8t heads in this world are.. and spend a bit more time comming down on them.. World might be a bit better off..


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# 14 03-09-2006 , 11:52 AM
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Originally posted by legendofzombi:

Dude..Let the man rest in peace.. HE spent his entire life working fo rthe good of wildlife..somethgin most peopel could give a flying f*ck about.. HE did many good things the world over..And i guarentee, i learned alot more form his in your face method of makign documentaries, then i ever did watchign two lions hump each other on National Geographic, or some BBS documentary..

Nobody here has ever criticized Steve's contribution to the Animal Kingdome and what he has done to help people learn and respect the many kinds animal species that are alive and in danger in the world today. You made that assumption. I only criticized some of his methodes that he went about doing it. Steve was a GREAT man, and he believed in what he was doing, and he will be missed. He may have been a bit too eccenctric for my tastes but that doesn't make me hate him by any means.

I think it's time this thread laid to rest.

By the way, why would you ever want to watch 2 lions hump?

# 15 03-09-2006 , 11:10 PM
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final thoughts

THX1138 i am not offended

i mean this was his everyday like working with dangerous animals

at the end of the day the way i see it who r we to judge his life choices

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