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# 1 24-08-2005 , 08:31 PM
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Posts: 32

Booleans (Union)


I know I posted in the other topic, but I decided that it would probably be best to create my own topic. I am using Lynda's tutorials, and am at the robot modeling section.

Basically, a curve is used to revolve into a surface (the body). A loft between two curves is used to create a rectangle-shaped surface. This is placed in the body where the mouth needs to go (before this you also create the eyes). You are supposed to go to Edit NURBs -> Booleans -> Union Tool, select the body, hit enter, select the mouth, and hit enter. However, I get an error when I do that.

I have tried re-creating the lofted box and doing the boolean at least 10 times (not exaggerated), but I just can't get it to work! This what is shown in the script editor (relevant to this issue):

select -r |Body ;
select -tgl loftedSurface1 ;
{ string $Selection1[]; $Selection1[0] = "LidShape"; $Selection1[1] = "Gasket1Shape"; $Selection1[2] = "BodyShape"; $Selection1[3] = "EyeShape2"; $Selection1[4] = "EyeSocketShape2"; $Selection1[5] = "EyeGasketShape2"; $Selection1[6] = "EyeShape1"; $Selection1[7] = "EyeSocketShape1"; $Selection1[8] = "EyeGasketShape1";
string $Selection2[]; $Selection2[0] = "LidShape"; $Selection2[1] = "Gasket1Shape"; $Selection2[2] = "BodyShape"; $Selection2[3] = "EyeShape2"; $Selection2[4] = "EyeSocketShape2"; $Selection2[5] = "EyeGasketShape2"; $Selection2[6] = "EyeShape1"; $Selection2[7] = "EyeSocketShape1"; $Selection2[8] = "EyeGasketShape1"; $Selection2[9] = "loftedSurfaceShape1";
performBoolean 0 0 $Selection1 `currentCtx`; };
nurbsBoolean -ch 0 -nsf 9 -op 0 Lid Gasket1 |Body|Body Eye2 EyeSocket2 EyeGasket2 Eye1 EyeSocket1 EyeGasket1 loftedSurface1 ;
// Error: stitchAsNurbsShell1 (Stitch As Nurbs Shell Node): Stitch as NURBS shell failed. The following input surfaces failed to stitch: |Body|Gasket1|Gasket1Shape |Body|Eyes|EyeLeft|Eye2|EyeShape2 |Body|Eyes|EyeLeft|EyeSocket2|EyeSocketShape2 |Body|Eyes|EyeLeft|EyeGasket2|EyeGasketShape2 |Body|Eyes|EyeRight|Eye1|EyeShape1 |Body|Eyes|EyeRight|EyeSocket1|EyeSocketShape1 |Body|Eyes|EyeRight|EyeGasket1|EyeGasketShape1 //
// Error: boolean1 (Boolean Node): Input shell A is empty. //
// Error: explodeNurbsShell1 (Explode Nurbs Shell Node): Not a valid NURBS shell. //
// Error: Command nurbsBoolean failed. Open Script Editor for details. //

I have everything in a group named "Body" (it didn't work before I created the group, so no need to suggest that).

I really want to move on, so I would appreciate a timely response. Thank you! user added image

# 2 24-08-2005 , 10:40 PM
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Posts: 32
Image of the inside of the character...

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# 3 24-08-2005 , 10:42 PM
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And outside...

(Remember we are trying to perform a Boolean Union between the body -- egg shape -- and the mouth -- the little rectangle.)

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# 4 24-08-2005 , 10:49 PM
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Posts: 32
Just a little update....

Note that even if I turn the "hierarchy selection" option off for the Union tool, it still returns an error (hence only the body would be selected, not everything in the group):

select -r |Body|Body ;
select -tgl MouthShape ;
{ string $Selection1[]; $Selection1[0] = "BodyShape";
string $Selection2[]; $Selection2[0] = "BodyShape"; $Selection2[1] = "MouthShapeShape";
performBoolean 0 0 $Selection1 `currentCtx`; };
nurbsBoolean -ch 0 -nsf 1 -op 0 |Body|Body MouthShape ;
// Error: boolean1 (Boolean Node): NURBS shell union failed. //
// Error: explodeNurbsShell1 (Explode Nurbs Shell Node): Not a valid NURBS shell. //
// Error: Command nurbsBoolean failed. Open Script Editor for details. //

Again, any help would greatly be appreciated! I have tried searching the forums and Google. Problems with the Boolean tool seem to be commonplace, and I have read the most common reasons why the boolean tool fails, but I still haven't figured out what the source of my issue could be.

# 5 25-08-2005 , 12:01 AM
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Location: Waianae, HI
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You need to use a "closed" surface, in your case a 6 sidebox vice the 4-side shape you're trying to use now.

AIM: mhcannonDMC

"If you love your job, you'll never work another day in your life."
# 6 25-08-2005 , 12:21 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 32

Originally posted by mhcannon
You need to use a "closed" surface, in your case a 6 sidebox vice the 4-side shape you're trying to use now.

Eh, I spent forever trying to figure out the problem. :headbang: But yeah, that did it. Thanks a lot!

PS: I did not create a full box because in the tutorials he just created the 4-sides and it worked. Strange...might be a version difference though.

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